Saturday, March 24, 2007



Three things: There are three things that if a man does not know he cannot live long happily in this world. What is too much for him, what is too little for him and what is just right for him!

Three treacherous sisters: There are three treacherous sisters whom I do not trust as far as I can see them. Their names are FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY. Faith keeps doubtful company and is found in houses of iniquity; Hope takes it in herself to fob men off with promises which have no basis in reality; and Charity sells cheap salves for sore consciences.

I have three precious things, which I hold fast and prize.
The first is gentleness;
The second is frugality;
Third is humility; which keep me from putting myself before others.
Be gentle and you can be bold.
Be frugal and you can be liberal.
Avoid putting yourself before others and you can become leader among men.

Finest hours
The finest hours of life are those spent not among large groups but:-
In conversation with just a few people.
In reading great books or listening to melodious music.
Wandering in a forest of giant trees.

Where do we find certain things:
Three things are known only in three places:
Valour - in war.
Wisdom - in anger.
Friendship - in need.

Proper use of time:
It implies learning from the time past.
Implementing the results in the present.
Planning for the future wisely.

Now a look at Evil:
Evil is there in this world because of the emphasis that is laid on the so-called moral and right behaviour.
It is in-built in the human nature to rebel against advice tendered - good or bad.

How do you react to evil?
Fight it out with all your might ignoring the consequences?
Ignore it leaving the sufferer to his fate?
Suffer it thereby encouraging the perpetrator to further acts of evil?

Now different Types of Suffering:
Boredom is the most deplorable suffering.
The most damnable suffering is to have your faith, in one you love and admire, slowly killed.
Despondency is the most unprofitable feeling a person can indulge in - avoidable suffering.

Now for a glance on the Secret of good living:
Live every day happily as if it were to be your last.
Do every job as if your life depends on it.
Treat everyone else as if you are in his/her shoes.

What about Fellowship:
Fellowship is heaven and lack of it is hell.
Fellowship is life and lack of it is death.
And the deeds that you do on this earth - reflect and you will find that it is for fellowship's sake that you do them.

Music is a moral tonic:
It gives wings to the mind.
It gives flight to the imagination.
And best of all it gives charm to sadness.

It comes in three varieties;

Intelligence in Choice of fellow beings:
I choose my acquaintances for their good looks.
I choose my friends for their good character.
I choose my enemies for their intellect. ( A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.)

Mother is the love that you can count on all through the years:
Mother's smile is one that seems to chase your cares away.
Mother's understanding look is one that tells much more than words can say.
Mother's word of praise is one that calms your doubt or fears.

Another aspect - Mother is the tree that nurtures everyone in its shadow:
Through personal examples she:
Teaches us the meaning of love.
Makes us realize the meaning of compassion.
Makes us understand the meaning of humility.

Mother looked at yet another way:
We see her through the eyes of beauty.
Feel her through arms of gentleness.
Know her through hearts of love.

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