Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Deft Definitions
CALAMITY The perfect glass wherein we truly see and know ourselves.
CALUMNY A wasp that worries you. Do not try to get rid of it unless you are sure of slaying it, for it would return to the charge more furious than ever.
CAPITAL Result of labour.
CASTLES Forests of stone.
CAT A pygmy lion who loves mice, hates dogs and patronizes human beings.
CAUSE The trigger of all events.
CAUTION The eldest child of wisdom.
CELEBRITY a)A person, who having worked very hard till now to become well-known, starts wearing dark glasses, to avoid being recognized.
b) A mask that eats into the face.
CENSOR A person puts his "no's" in other peoples business.
CENSURE Tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
CERTAINTY It requires promise that we can deliver and deliver, thereafter, od=f that promise.
CHANCE a) A willing accomplice of the person who is ready to venture all.
b) That vague shadow of an infinite possibility which must be banished from the dictionary of our perceptions.
c) It is a word by which we cover and excuse our own ignorance.
CHARACTER a) A diamond that scratches every other heart.
b) It is that sublime health which values one moment as another and makes us great in all conditions.
CHARM The best beautician.
CHARITY a) The milk of human kindness.
b) Cover for multitude of sins.
CHASTITY That part of our character which enables us to breathe pure air in the foulest places.
CHILD A specie of human beings who faces the hard problems of learning good table manners without seeing any.
CHILDHOOD A stage in the process of that continual remanufacture of the life stuff by which the human race is perpetuated.
CHILDREN They are culprits who are not allowed to behave as their parents did at their age.
CHIVALRY a) The urge a man has to protect a woman from everyone except himself.
b) It is like a drink. It's quite a good thing in moderation, but it doesn't pay to indulge in it too often.

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