Wednesday, February 28, 2007



A commotion outside! Crunching of wheels resulting, apparently, from application of brakes?
I thought - maybe some drunkard has been knocked down, but why near my peaceful (??) house. My house and peaceful! - Oh no!!
I thought I would be setting a good example by finding out who has been knocked down and by whom! Down I went, taking my heavy weight walking stick along hoping to hit the wrongdoer hard and fast and thereby teach him an unforgettable lesson.
Yes! there was a truck near my gate - but I could not see any injured victim anywhere near and as far as I could see.
Later on it dawned on me that I was the injured one! (Why? Pleases read on.)
"Hey" I yelled at the truck driver, who did you kill man? "Killed?" he looked surprised, "here is your delivery", you are Mr. Bhag, aren't you? And your house number is D-54, right?
"Sure, I am Bhag (though I have nowhere to bhago!) of D-54, Bhoot Nagar, but Mr. I am not due for any delivery - neither is my wife! She was operated last year and we have a kid, no more - good family planned, eh?"
Sir!" the truck driver looked annoyed, "please collect your delivery and pay my transport charges".
Forcefully he thumped a paper in my hand containing a list of 100 odd items and then............ my time machine rolled back and I could understand every maniac bit of mania my wife had suffered from. It was, more or less, the same thing everyday! "Here Billy", she calls me Billy and I call her Pup: short for Baldev and short for Papilly, "you know, with every 6 Lux soaps,
there are 2 free, with 2 kg Surf there is 1 kg free, with 5kg of Basmati rice, there is 2kg. free and so on and on she went".
So she would come from the market with 50 kg. of items. She would travel even 15 kms, if need be, to the market and back, pay the taxi a hefty sum, just for some "free" items. I had to foot the bill, of course, which would run in hundreds!
Then ....... these exchange offers! One day when I returned from office longing for a cold drink, I sprang for the kitchen and the fridge - that was missing. Half an hour later, a loading taxi came to unload a new fridge and asked me to pay Rs.200/- as taxi fare.
"Why?" I asked?
"Sir, I have come to from 30 kms, your wife is coming in another taxi with the engineer who will install the new fridge." So she arrived - my Pup. I had to pay Rs.275- more for the taxi".
"Exchange offer" she cooed sweetly "new in place of old"
"How much less you had to pay for the new one?" I asked? Rs.1000/-, our fridge was very old hence only Rs.1000/- was made less." "275+200= Rs.475, was spent and we got Rs.1000/- less,
well we still save Rs.525/-, she explained, please get me 2 cold drink bottles from the fridge? I am feeling very thirsty."
I am employed in an export firm, I have lot of "homework" to do, hence I do it on my P.C. and store all files in it. One day my boss wanted access to some files and said he would send me abroad to attend a conference and that I would get lavish incentive if we get an important contract. I went home, ran towards my computer room to get the files. But! I nearly died of stroke. There was no computer! I frantically reported the theft to the Police. I tried to trace my wife, finally located her at a Computer Store - she had purchased a new computer in exchange of my old one!
"Where is my old computer?" I asked the computer dealer, "I have some important files there which I urgently need."
"Just a few minutes ago we sold to a young lady and got a very good bargain" the storekeeper said proudly. I took this customer's address, tried to locate her but to no avail. I spent lot of money searching for her - taxis, phone calls etc, and in the bargain got suspension orders from my boss!
"Will you now stop this maniac activity?" I fired Pup, no more free offers and no more exchange offers, mind you!"
"But to-morrow ," she announced, "we are shifting to our new house. I have sold this house in exchange for a new one", she concluded jubilantly, and you know, no transport charges.
So we shifted to our new home. There were 2 TV sets, one in the sitting room and another in the bedroom. I bought one 51cms TV and got a 21cms set free. There was 280L size fridge in the kitchen, and one 90L in the bedroom. The 90L was free with the 280L one! and yes, I even got a Microwave oven and OTG free with a fully automatic Washing Machine."
Oh, God! I cursed the markets for introducing the free and exchange offers. Suddenly I heard some child crying and the bang, bang sounds coming from the attic.
"What's cooking up there?" I asked as we moved towards the stairs.
She opened the door and what did I see? A girl aged 2 years and a boy aged 5 years dressed as a superman, with two pistols in his hands. "Hands up!" he said pointing the pistols at me.
"Who are you?" I asked perplexed.
Pup put her arms around my back, gave me a peek on the cheek. "Oh darling!", she sighed "you wanted another child, we have only one..."
"I went to the orphanage, adopted the boy and got the girl along with him"
"Oh really!" This kind of bargain was unheard of before. I was at the end of my wits now, so I decided to teach her a lesson.
Next day - I rang the doorbell, Pup opened the door. When she saw me, her mouth opened wide in amazement!
I had two pretty damsels, one on either side of me, with their arms inter-twined in mine.
"Who are they?" she screamed at me.
"Well" I replied proudly, "I married one and the priest gave me the other one FREE."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


According to legend, the pattern was first revealed on the shell of a turtle that crawled out of the LO river in the 23rd century B.C. in the days of the legendary Emperor Yii, reputed to be a Hydraulic Engineer.
In Chinese history the pattern is considered as a mystical symbol of enormous significance. The even numbers are identified with YIN, the female principle, and the odd numbers with YANG, the male principle. The central 5 represented the earth around which, in evenly balanced Yin and Yang, were the four elements 4 & 9 symbolizing metal, 2 & 7 fire, 1 & 6 water and 3 & 8 wood.
In Chinese cosmology, from which Chinese Astrology is derived, the Positive (YANG) and Negative (YIN) aspects of reality are not seen as opposing one another, but, on the contrary, as supporting each other, like the left and the right sides of an arch. Just as by definition one arch cannot exist without having two sides, so reality cannot exist without both its Positive and Negative aspects. In the ancient Positive and Negative Taoist philosophy, everything is classified as pertaining to one of these two aspects of inter-dependent duality. Thus the Night is negative, the Day is positive; Female sexuality is negative, Maleness is positive; Sugar is negative, Salt is positive; and so on
And now have a look at how these numbers behave;-
492^2 + 357^2 + 816^2 = 438^2 + 951^2 + 276^2.

Magic Squares In India,
The order 4 magic square, with magic sum of 34, shown below on the r.h.s is over 2000 years old and comes from India, while the square on the the Jaina square of Khajuraho, also from India:-
07 12 01 14 - 01 14 15 04
02 13 08 11 - 12 07 06 09
16 03 10 05 - 08 11 10 05
09 06 15 04 - 13 02 03 16

The Indian square has some interesting properties:-
1. All the four 2x2 corners and the central 2x2 square also total 34.
2. In each row one pair adds to 19 and the other to 15. In each column also one pair adds to 13 and the other to 21.
2.The squares of the numbers in the first and fourth rows are equal, as also in the second and third rows.
1^2 + 14^2 + 15^2 +4^2 = 13^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 16^2 = 438
12^2 + 7^2 + 6^2 + 9^2 = 8^2 + 11^2 + 10^2 + 5^2 = 310
4. Similarly the squares of the numbers in the first and fourth columns are equal, as also, in the second and third columns.
1^2 + 12^2 + 8^2 + 13^2 = 4^2 + 9^2 + 5^2 +16^2 =378
14^2 +7^2 + 11^2 + 2^2 = 15^2 + 6^2 +10^2 + 3^2 =370
Now consider the diagonals of the 2x2 squares
12 +14 +3 + 5 = 15 + 9 +8 +2 = 34 further
12^2 +14^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 =15^2 + 9^2 + 8^2 +2^2 = 374 and
12^3 +14^3 +3^3 + 5^3 = 15^3 + 9^3 + 8^3 +2^3 =4624
Similar properties are found for the Jaina square:-
1 All the four 2x2 corners and the central 2x2 square total 34.
2 In each row one pair adds to 19 and the other to 15. In each column one pair adds to 9 and the other to 25.
3 7^2+12^2+1^2+14^2 = 16^2+3^2+10^2+5^2 =390
2^2+13^2+8^2+11^2 = 9^2+ 6^2+15^2+4^2 =358
4 7^2+2^2+16^2+9^2 = 1^2+8^2+10^2+15^2 =390
12^2+13^2+3^2+6^2 = 14^2+11^2+5^2+4^2 =358
Magic Squares were constructed in India before the Christian era.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Today I will introduce you to MAGIC SQUARES

In an arrangement of n horizontal rows and n vertical columns there will be nxn cells which can be filled by nxn numbers in such a way that they satisfy a set of specified conditions. For example we may require that the sum of all the rows are equal to each other or the sum of each vertical column is not only equal to each other, but also equal to the sum of each row or we may specify that only odd numbers are used to give a specified total, etc..
If we go a step further and specify that not only the sum of each row, each column and the main diagonals are equal but also that, only nxn consecutive numbers are used, the resultant square pattern has been called, from ancient times, a MAGIC SQUARE. As such a magic square of size n, denoted by Sn, is an nxn square which can be said to have the following properties:-
i) It has nxn consecutive integers, each integer occurring only once.
ii) The total for each row, each column and the main diagonals of the square is the same. This is the equisum property. The total, so obtained, is called the magic sum of the square.
(a) If these integers are 1,2,3,...n^2, the sum is n(n^2 +1)/2.
(b) In general, if the first integer is m+1, the sum is mxn + n(n^2+1)/2. Without loss of generality we may assume that the first (lowest) integer of Sn is 1. To get a square in which the sequence of integers begins with some other number m+1, we add m to all the cells in Sn.
(c) If n is larger than 4, there are a large number of unique solutions for Sn.
An example of S4 with magic sum of 34 is given below:-
01 13 12 08
06 10 03 15
11 07 14 02
16 04 05 09

MS2. Magic Squares In Ancient Times.
The construction of magic squares is an amusement of great antiquity, we hear of magic squares in China and India before the Christian era, while they appear to have been introduced to Europe by Moscowpulus in Constantinople in early 15th century. However, what was at first merely a practice of magicians and talisman makers, has now, for a long time, become a serious study for mathematicians. Not that they imagined that it would lead them to anything of solid advantage, but because the theory was seen to be fraught with difficulty and it was considered that some new properties of numbers might be discovered which mathematicians could turn to account. This has, in fact, proved to be the case. For, from a certain point of view, the subject has been found to be algebraic rather than arithmetical and to be intimately connected with great departments of science, such as, the infinitesimal calculus, the calculus of operations and the theory of groups.
Till the advent of modern computers, it is understood, that, no living person knew, in how many ways, it is possible to form a square Sn of order exceeding 4. Even now it is not known how many possible squares are there of order 6 and above.
Magic Squares In China.
The Chinese appear to have invented and used the Magic Squares since long time back; they are mentioned in a Chinese book written four to five thousands years before our era. The Worlds oldest square, a Chinese creation, is reproduced below:-
It is known as the LO SHU.
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

Sunday, February 25, 2007


WISDOM in one liners.

Luck is the residue of design.
I can resist anything but temptation?
Like fire words can burn or warm up?
Use logic - go wrong the sensible way?
Everybody laughs in the same language!
Curiosity is the mother of Venetian Blinds?
Friends are not made they are recognized?
It also takes two to make up after a quarrel?
An idler is like a clock that lacks both hands!
Apology is a courtesy that's a bit late in arriving!
Instinct - it is at the bottom of all natural things!
Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea?
A praise is as good as the person who tenders it!
A life is for a generation, a good name is forever!
Conceit is a form of "I" strain that Doctors can't cure!
Circumstances do not make men, they discover them!
If misery loves company, misery has company enough!
Good thoughts even if they are forgotten do not perish!
Don't stay angry. A smoldering fire makes bitter smoke!
Faith is the bird that feels the light when it is still dark!
Experience is a good teacher but it sends in terrific bills!
A man likes to feel he is loved, a woman likes to be told!
Ignore safety and the problem will not disappear, you will.
He who is not ready today will be even less so tomorrow?
Disappointments should be cremated and not embalmed!
A tree will not only lie as it falls, but it will also fall as it leans!
Chance - a willing accomplice of one who is ready to venture all!
Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty!
By nature men are all alike; by practice they get to be wide apart!
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear!
A dignified silence is the only weapon to use against vulgar persons!
A sure way to stop a red-hot argument is to reel out a few cold facts!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen!
A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.
Go out in the street with an open mind, you never know what might fall into it!
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; arguments an exchange of ignorance!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Doctors flourish on Poor Health.
Gardeners grow on Plants.
Tailors make money Cutting Clothes.
Priests rely on Blind Faith.
Butchers depend on Slaughter.
Plumbers capitalize on Leaks.
Policemen shoot up on Criminals.
Electricians climb up on Poles.
Palmists live off Lines.
Chemists lean on Drugs.
Firemen warm up on Fires.
Lawyers bank on Litigation.
Bureaucrats get along on Rules.
Sweepers survive on Garbage.
Beggars simply thrive on Charity.
Grave-diggers prosper on our dead bodies.

Friday, February 23, 2007


ABNORMAL - In matters of thought and conduct to be independent is to be abnormal, to be abnormal is to be detested; wherefore this lexicographer advises a striving towards a straighter resemblance to the average than hath to himself. Who so attaineth thereto shall have peace, the prospect of death and the hope of hell.
ABILITY - Poor man's wealth.
ABORTION - Love's labour lost.
ABSTINENCE - Surety of temperance.
ABSURDITY - A statement of belief, manifestly, inconsistent with one's, own, opinions.
ACCENT - The soul of a language; that which gives feeling, warmth and sense of truth to it.
ACQUAINTANCE - A person whom we know well enough to borrow from but not well enough to lend to; A degree of friendship called slight when it's object is poor or obscure and intimate when he is rich or famous.
ACTION - a) Best interpreter of a man's thoughts.
b) Parent of results.
c) Cure for grief.
ACUPUNCTURE - A jab well done.
ADMIRATION - a) Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.
b) A short-lived passion that immediately decays upon growing familiar with its objects.
ADOLESCENCE - a) Emotional see-sickness.
b )Age at which children start bringing up their parent's.
ADOPTION - A simple, cost effective, labour saving, emotionally satisfying path to parenthood.
ADULT - A person who has stopped growing at both ends and has started growing in the middle.
ADULTERER - One whose way is hedged with thorns, full of fears and jealousies, burning desires, and impatient waiting, tediousness of delays and sufferance of affronts and amazement of discovery.
ADVENTURER - One who practices the art of the impossible.
ADVERSITY - a) It has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.
b) Appropriate balance in which to weigh friend-ship.
ADVERTISING - a) Selling promises.
b) The science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
c) Ministers to the spiritual side of the business.
ADVICE - a) A debt which the old owe to the young.
b) Something which the older generation is fond of giving to console themselves for being no longer in a position to set examples.
c) The softer it falls, the deeper it sinks and the longer it dwells.
d) Too valuable a thing to be retained with oneself - pass it on!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


A1. What do you think about ONE?
I am sure you will change your ideas after reading this:


One BABY can enliven our homes.
One BELL can start a prayer.
One BIRD can herald spring.
One BLOT on your character can spoil your image.
One CANDLE can lit the hall.
One FLOWER can kindle love.
One GUST of wind can rain havoc.
One HANDCLASP can lift a soul.
One HEART can guide us to truth.
One HOLE can empty a tank.
One ray of HOPE can raise our spirits.
One IDEA can make us stand apart from others.
One INCIDENT can change our life.
One INVENTION can change our lifestyles.
One LAUGH can conquer gloom.
One LOOK can transform the mood.
One PRAYER can lead us to Nirvana.
One SIGN can lead us to our goal.
One SMILE can start a friendship.
One SONG can recall old memories.
One SPARK can start a fire.
One STAR can guide a ship.
One STEP can begin a journey.
One STIGMA can tarnish our character..
One SUNBEAM can lift darkness.
One TEAR can excite emotions.
One THOUGHT can direct us to wisdom.
One TIP can lead us to success.
One TOUCH can heal a wound.
One TREE can start a forest.
One VOICE can brighten our day.
One VOTE can change the fate of a Nation.
One WORD of encouragement can be the key to ambition.
One WRONG can result in our ruin.
Overall One LIFE can make a difference to all it comes in contact with.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007



The sweetest flower that blows,
I give you as we part,
For you it is a rose -
For me it is my heart!


And what is friendship but a name,
A charm that lulls to sleep,
A shade that follows wealth and fame,
And leaves the wretch to weep!


The other day - upon the stair
I saw a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish to God he would go away!


Along life's journey - off and on
Lie obstacles of rock and ditch;
He who with courage drives the car,
Reaches his goal without a hitch.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The Law of Utilizing Incompetence"
A. Those who can - do.
B. Those who cannot - advise.
C. Those who cannot do even that - teach.
D. Those who cannot do even that - teach teachers to teach.
E. Those who cannot do even that - administer
F. Those who cannot do even that - join politics.


The cards in the game of life are given to us all. We do not select them. We may not like the way they have been shuffled and dealt with - but we like to play the game and so want to play. According to some these cards are related to our past 'Karma'
(Past deeds, maybe even of previus life.)- be it true or not - we can call as we please, lead what suit we will and we gain or lose according to how we play our cards.


The exercise most frequently performed by human beings.
We bend over backwards for some people. We bend low fawning over others. We never miss a bender (a drinking spree); teachers give us benders; we periodically bend to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives; we bend double with pain; we bend low with care; we bend to touch our toes in vain attempt to stave off middle-age spread. In fact we are now beginning to stoop to any lengths. And I am beginning to wonder why our forefathers ever bothered to stand up in the first place.

Monday, February 19, 2007


End and Means - the eternal debate.

Do ends justify the means? "No", said Late Mr.M K Gandhi(Mahatama Gandhi), Professor J K Mehta, economist, professor at Allahabad, and philosopher, argued that by adopting wrong means, the end achieved is never what you seek to achieve. But with due respect to Gandhi and Prof Mehta, it is certainly debatable whether ends justify means or not.
A goonda is molesting a woman. You are present, but you are a pacifist who considers violence wrong means. Will you try to persuade him or physically stop him? Even Gandhi made an exception in the case of Kashmir in 1947 when he approved of the Indian Army's intervention against foreign invaders.
It is often said that there is no such thing as a "justified war" or a "war for preventing future wars". But what would one say about the war against Adolph Hitler? No amount of passive resistance could have stopped Hitler. If only non-violent resistance was used against Hitler, his tyranny, and that of his successor dictators, might have lasted long. One cannot justify misery and pain for millions of victims for years even if a better world might emerge later.
While Gandhi was a great believer in the Gita, Krishna's views on this important question of "ends and means" are almost diametrically the opposite of Gandhi's. Several episodes in the Mahabharata like the killing of Dronacharya (by saying "Ashwatthama Mara Gaya"), the killing of Karna against the rules of war while he was repairing his chariot, the killing of Bhishmapitamaha through Shikhandi, the killing of Duryodhana through the unfair act of pointing out to his (vulnerable) thighs - all at the initiative of Lord Krishna himself - seem to suggest that to achieve justice, unfair means would be quite in order. Where to draw, than, the line of justification or non-justification?
Would it be right for a man who has been insulted and abused to shoot down the abuser and take his life? What about terrorism? If ends justify means, can even genuine freedom fighters make use of "terrorism" as a weapon to fight their cause? There can possibly only be what has been described as "situation ethics" - individually each situation's ethics would need to be determined, there can be no rigid principles or criteria. And yet, most of us would feel that, in our conscious and sub-conscious thinking, there are some factors which make us decide one situation as being a fit case for ends justifying means and another, as not being of that nature.
One almost universally applicable factor would be that, we should not be the first to use "unfair means". If a criminal has kidnapped my child, I may use almost any means like deception or forgery to trap and apprehend the criminal, because it would be against a grievous act of injustice and inhumanity, coupled with the fact that I was not the first to have used unfair means. Second, my unfair act should not be completely out of proportion to the unfair act of my opponent. These two factors "no first use" and "no first disproportionate escalation", would perhaps have a high degree of applicability. But they do not represent an exhaustive list of relevant factors. For group, as against individuals, considerations of a "societal" nature count. For example, in case of 'terrorism', history would show that deliberate killing of innocents creates terrible chain reactions and the outright banning of terrorism is a necessity arising out of societal wisdom and ethics, irrespective of "no first use" and "no first disproportionate escalation".
But the question remains: Who is to judge what is justified use of "unfair" means and what is "disproportionate escalation".

Sunday, February 18, 2007


To see you happy---
Laughing and joking, smiling and content,
Striving towards goals of your own.
Accomplishing what you set out to do,
Having fun with yourself and your friends,
Capable of loving and being loved,
Is what we always wished for you!
Today we thought about your,
Handsome face and felt excitement for life,
And your genuine happiness.
And we as parent burst with pride,
As we realized our dreams for you come true.
What an extraordinary,
Person you have become.
And as you continue to grow please,
Remember how very much,

Saturday, February 17, 2007


A collection of my work on various topics like bacronyms, magic squares, etc.
Just travel with me, my way and enjoy my company.

Satire is humour that has lost its patience.

Nothing is said now that hath not been said before - I am not being modest, whatever will be put on this site must have been said quite often, if not in print certainly in family conversation, in groups, in circles.....
Note: some of the words and sometimes the language may look odd that will be because I would be reproducing ad verbatim things of the past era.
In this travel you will join me in Deft Definitions, Quotations, Poetry, Some funny/interesting items, Magic Squares and Cubes, and BACRONYMS. It is only Bacronyms which is a new item, my work, but more about it later. This is the first day so let us sing:


Listen to the exhortation of the Dawn-
Look to the DAY!
The DAY dawns and brings with it new vistas!
It is for us to explore and discover what we please?
Some of us will probably make hay while the sun shines,
While others would just let the opportunity slip away!
Some of us would grab the chances and achieve success,
But most of us will while away time in idle thoughts!
Our excuse - we are busy with our routine activities?
So – in time take time while time doth last,
For time is no time when time is past!!!


Most of you would be seeing this word for the first time, it is not a dictionary word. Well you must be familiar with Acronyms, in acronyms we normally pick the initial letters of the name of an institution, enterprise etc., and form a word, which may have no meaning by itself. I proceed the reverse way, I take a common dictionary word, using only the letters of the word form a phrase which yields the dictionary meaning of the word or its common usage. I follow two rules, I use all and only the letters of the word and I retain the sequential order of the letters of the word. Let me give you an example: take the word "BEST", by B -,I form By, by E - I form Every, by S - I form Standard and by T - I form Tops, to get the phrase - By every standard tops. Well I think it conveys the sense of the word "Best".
Here are some more:
What is EAR if not - Earliest Audio Receiver. And LAP isn't it - Luxurious Armchair, Pacifies.
While CAGE is - Captured Animals Guarded Enclosure.
What about CHILD is he not - Charming Hostage In Loving Domain.
And MAGIC certainly is - Mystery And Gimmickry In Collusion.
Now let us examine RAINBOW - Raised Arch, Inimitable Nature's Bouquet, Omnipotent Wonder.
Try DREAMS and you would find a perfect fit - Daringly Realistic Experiences Amidst Mystique Scenes.
And next ask someone with stomach upset and see what he has to say. STOMACH - Sensitive, Turbulent Organ, Metabolism Activity Conducted Here.
Well now let us invite OPTIMIST - Openly Picturises Things In Magnificent, Intricate Settings, Tastefully.
Let us not ignore PATIENCE - Perseverance And Tolerance In Extremely Nasty Circumstances Even.
Now HYPNOTISM - Helps You Project Notions, Orders, That Influence Subject's Mind.
I think I have given enough examples to prove my point. I have over 2500 Bacronyms will give you more later.