Saturday, March 31, 2007


Here is a recipe worth trying:

Ingredients: Courage, Faith, Kindness for others, Laughter, Sense of humour, Tears.
Take equal parts of Faith and Courage,
Mix well with Sense of humour,
Sprinkle with a few Tears,
Add a helping of Kindness for others.
Bake in A good-natured oven,
And Dust with laughter.
Scrape away Any self-indulgence that is apparent,
And Serve with generous helpings.

Friday, March 30, 2007



Solitude should rank amongst one of the dire necessities of the human spirit, yet surprisingly enough it has failed to obtain adequate recognition in our codes. The reasons are perhaps not far to fathom. On the one hand it is looked upon as a discipline or a penance, and on the other hand it is linked with laziness to which it is very much akin, viewed outwardly. A critical examination would, however, soon spell out the differences and show its merits.
Solitude is mistaken for a discipline or a penance , why? Discipline is a basic instinct in all walks of life and while it may manifest itself in desirable or undesirable form of loyalties to certain causes, its existence is unquestionable. Discipline demands sacrifices and solitude demands not physical but mental discipline - a control over one's thoughts and ideas. A few minutes of reflection will convince that far from being a penance the time spent in solitude can become our most treasured moments of the day! Solitude would enable us to view things in their proper perspective away from the turmoil of daily life.
Solitude provides us with an opportunity to have second thoughts on everyday affairs and, as everyone will appreciate, second thoughts are always better on matters of judgment, though they usually are not so in matters of conscience. A fresh appraisal will make us better understand others views.
Practically everyone of us must have, at some moments or other, debated and wondered, as to the purpose of our existence? Are we mere drifters on the sands of time? We begin our life with a stage when we are absolutely dependent on others for our very existence, we have no control over our actions. Slowly and slowly we learn things, learn in the way they are taught to us by others. For sometime whatever is taught to us is right, as far as we are concerned it is the gospel truth. This stage, again,
soon passes away and our intelligence takes a hand. We try to reason out and form and test our ideas. It is somewhere at this stage that the thought referred to above strikes us. The search begins, we start with short term goals and choose and discard and the mystery remains. But in 'deep solitude' one could expect a great moment to come in his life when he could see, however distinct, the ultimate goal of his wandering. The mirage of his imagination would then suddenly become a part of the tangible world. It would not matter how many ranges, rivers, valleys or parching dust-ways (metaphorically speaking) lie in the path. It would be his now and forever. The goal gets achieved or not, is immaterial, the realization itself is enough. The mystery is solved and peace, real mental peace, would descend.
Laziness is deliberate avoidance of activity for some gainful pursuit. Solitude would be voluntary withdrawal, not for avoiding work, but with a view to re-examine, reflect on our day-to-day activities, a self introspection with a view to make ourselves more agreeable and beautiful. Just as the creator of a statue, which is to be made more realistic, cuts away here and smoothes there, making one lighter and the other purer, until a lovely face emerges, so can we utilize the time kept apart for solitude daily to examine ways and means to cut away all that is excessive, straighten away all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast and labour to make one glow of beauty and never cease chiseling our image in the public mind till there shines out from it the god-like splendour of virtue and perfect goodness is entrenched in all walks of our life! This is within our reach, at no extra cost, if we just make-up our mind to devote a few seconds out of the precious time, at our disposal, in right earnest however busy our routine. Time so expended would surely then have no parallel with laziness.
Modern education, unfortunately, has ignored this human need for solitude. It does not look upon solitude as the indispensable pleasant ingredient it is to our ordinary life. It is from this want of recognition that many of troubles come. Hence, again, a decline in religion, in poetry, in all the other affections of the spirit; a disease to be doing something always, as if one could never sit quietly and let the puppet show unroll itself before one, an inability to lose oneself in mystery and wonder awhile, like a wave lifting us into new seas as the history of the world develops around us.
So irrespective of how busy your schedule, what others may gossip about you, in whatever walk of life you are, find time out for solitude and bathe in the sunshine of absolute bliss and mental peace.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


How Many Solutions.

3x3 Squares.
There is a unique solution for a 3x3 square. Let us examine why?
Let us write all combinations of 3 numbers from 1 to 9 that add up to 15 They are 1,5,9: 1,6,8: 2,4,9: 2,5,8: 2,6,7: 3,4,8: 3,5,7: and 4,5,6. Now the central number of the square can only be that number which occurs in at least 4 combinations. The only number that satisfies this condition is 5. So only 5 can occupy the center space. Next examine 1, it combines with only 9 and 8 and as such cannot occupy corner space, so must come in the middle of a row or column. So we can place 1 and 9, and 8 immediately. Rest all the numbers then automatically fall in place.

4x4 Squares.
There are only 880 solutions for a 4x4 square, first given by Bernard Frenicle de Bassy in 1693.

5x5 Squares.
There are a staggering number of solutions for a 5x5 square----68,826,306 not counting reflections and rotations. This counting was arrived at by Richard Schroeppel, a mathematician and computer programmer at Information International, who used a standard backtracking procedure consisting of about 3500 lines and took 100 hours on a PDP-10. A final report was written by Michael Beeper and was issued in October 1975. For interested readers there is one classification by central numbers 1 through 13 (same numbers for 25 to 13) given below:-
1 - 1,091,448. 2 - 1,366,179. 3 - 1,914,984. 4 - 1,958,837.
5 - 2,431,806. 6 - 2,600,879. 7 - 3,016,881. 8 - 3,112,161.
9 - 3,472,540. 10 - 3,344,034. 11 - 3,933,818. 12 - 3,784,618. 13 - 4,769,936

Higher Order Squares.
While no firm estimate is available for a 6x6 square, suffice it to say that, the number would run into billions. To imagine the number of solutions, simply increase all numbers in the 4x4 square by 10 to give a new 4x4 square consisting of numbers 11 to 26 with total of 34 + 40 = 74, this 4x4 square forms the inner core of the 6x6 square. Now we have to use numbers from 1 to 10 and 27 to 36 to form its boundary. Arrange these in pairs to total 37. Let us only consider one such combination of numbers arranged to give the required total of 111, see figure below formed with the Jaina square for the core 4x4 square:-
01 34 05 07 35 29
33 17 22 11 24 04
31 12 23 18 21 06
28 26 13 20 15 09
10 19 16 25 14 27
08 03 32 30 02 36
Now any pair of numbers in the first and last row or the extreme left and extreme right column, excluding the corner numbers since they total 37, can be interchanged. This interchange can create 4!x4! = 576 new squares. Since there are 880 squares of order 4 which can be used for the inner core, and, further these squares can be rotated, we have, for one set of border 576x4x880 = 2,027,520 solutions. Further, in this arrangement of border numbers, if we interchange 34 & 7 from top row and corresponding pair numbers 3 & 30 from the bottom row with 31 & 10 from the left column and the corresponding pair numbers 6 & 27 from the right column, we get another set of 2,027,520 squares. But this is not all. Besides the fact that other border squares can be formed, there are other methods of construction. For example, if we reduce all odd numbers by 1 and increase all even numbers by 1 in the core 4x4 square, we get a new square which has numbers from 10 to 27, excluding 11 and 26, still with a total of 74. (This can be done for 712 squares of order 4, as this process cannot be adopted for those squares which have only odd and even numbers in their diagonals). Thus for any border combination for these squares we shall have 576x4x712 = 1,640,448 solutions.
This method of generating squares from lower order squares, described later in detail, can be applied to generate squares of any order, and, as such, the number of squares that can be constructed can only be imagined. Besides this method, there are other methods, which, again, can result in a large number of solutions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


CIGARETTE A paper tube filled with grass, with fire at one end a fool at the other end.
CIRCUMSTANCES Chain of events which no matter how unfortunate that clever people do not extract some advantage from and none, no matter how fortunate, that the unwise cannot turn to their disadvantage.
CIVILISATION Condition of present customs.
A series of victories over nature.
CLERK That white-collar worker who is tired even before he starts the days work.
CLEVERNESS Ignorance of things which it is not worthwhile to know.
COINCIDENCE Result of that inexorable law of averages which prevents any series of events being 100 per cent trouble free.
COMMUNIST A person who has given up all hopes of becoming a capitalist.
COMMUNALISM It is rooted in economics, fostered by politics, shaped by psychology and buttressed by religion.
COMPLACENCY Straightest road to frustration.
COMPLIMENT Lie in court clothes.
A little touch of love surrounded by great imagination.
COMPUTER Brainless chip.
COMPROMISE A temporary expedient often wise in party politics.
COMPULSION Starting point for corruption.
CONCEIT An ' I ' disease that doctor's can't cure.
CONFERENCE Meeting of those individuals who, knowing that they cannot do a thing independently, meet and decide that nothing can be done collectively either.
CONDUCT Sermon of life.
CONFIDENCE A plant of slow growth especially in an aged bosom.
CONSCIENCE The still, small voice that makes you feel still smaller.
Is something that feels terrible when all others feel well.
Fault's alarm.
The inner voice which prevents some from enjoying the fruits of their sin.
CONSERVATIVE A statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
CONSISTENCY The first refuge of the unimaginative.
CONSULT To seek another's approval of a course already decided upon.
CONTEMPT Murder committed by the intellect.
CONTENTMENT A thing that is acquired by tuning your yearning and earning capacities to the same wavelength.
Wanting what you get as opposed to getting what you want.
CONTRACT A piece of waste-paper unless you can trust the other party.
CONVERSATION A fair for the display of the minor mental condi-tions, each exhibitor being too intent upon the arrangement of his own words to observe those of his neighbours. Is the daughter of reasoning, mother of knowl-edge, the health of the soul, the commerce of heart, the bond of friendship, the nourishment of content and the occupation of men of wit.
CO-OPERATION Doing with a smile what we have to do anyway.
CORPORATION /COMMITTEE An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.
COSMETICS A woman's way of keeping a man from reading in between the lines.
COURTESY An investment which pays regular dividends in friendship.
The quality that keeps a woman smiling when a departing guest stands at the open screen and lets the flies in.
COW A machine that makes grass fit for human consumption.
COWARD One who in perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
COVETOUSNESS The deadliest poison.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Time we talked of LOVE

Love is sharing all the wonderful things of life,
With someone you care about.
By caring for each other's ups and downs,
Your lives get forever intertwined.
By sharing your hopes, thoughts, dreams,
Your lives will flourish as never before.
Working with each other to build your lives,
Together strengthens your love.
Love as it tightens its grip offers the best in life,
With that person at its center.
Your love having brought you closer together.
Will create a decorative, beautiful HOME.
That Home while still expressing your individuality,
Will abound in affection and harmony.
And inevitably your love for one another,
Will make that Home an abode for peace.
Very rich in HAPPINESS and filled with, evergrowing,

Monday, March 26, 2007


Little Artist

A mother dropped a beautiful orange vase on the floor it splintered into dozens of pieces. She swept them up and threw them into the wastebasket.
An hour later she found her little daughter had collected the pieces and had pasted them on a piece of cardboard. Then using a green crayon, she had drawn stems and leaves on each piece, converting them into a bouquet of lovely flowers.
The mother was moved to tears. Where she had just seen trash, her daughter had seen a treasure.
And we? Do we see "treasures" in those around us? Are we willing to collect the bits and pieces of broken lives and bind them together again? Are we willing to take the trouble to make a lovely bouquet of flowers from the wastebasket of life.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Let me tell you about the most obstinate word I have come across, maybe you will agree too. It is HABIT. You see if we remove the first letter H, "a bit" still remains. When we remove both H and A, "bit" still remains. O.K. if we remove the first 3 letters "it" still remains. If we go a step further and remove T also, the egoistic "I" still remains. The only way to get rid of HABIT is to get rid of it at one go!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007



Three things: There are three things that if a man does not know he cannot live long happily in this world. What is too much for him, what is too little for him and what is just right for him!

Three treacherous sisters: There are three treacherous sisters whom I do not trust as far as I can see them. Their names are FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY. Faith keeps doubtful company and is found in houses of iniquity; Hope takes it in herself to fob men off with promises which have no basis in reality; and Charity sells cheap salves for sore consciences.

I have three precious things, which I hold fast and prize.
The first is gentleness;
The second is frugality;
Third is humility; which keep me from putting myself before others.
Be gentle and you can be bold.
Be frugal and you can be liberal.
Avoid putting yourself before others and you can become leader among men.

Finest hours
The finest hours of life are those spent not among large groups but:-
In conversation with just a few people.
In reading great books or listening to melodious music.
Wandering in a forest of giant trees.

Where do we find certain things:
Three things are known only in three places:
Valour - in war.
Wisdom - in anger.
Friendship - in need.

Proper use of time:
It implies learning from the time past.
Implementing the results in the present.
Planning for the future wisely.

Now a look at Evil:
Evil is there in this world because of the emphasis that is laid on the so-called moral and right behaviour.
It is in-built in the human nature to rebel against advice tendered - good or bad.

How do you react to evil?
Fight it out with all your might ignoring the consequences?
Ignore it leaving the sufferer to his fate?
Suffer it thereby encouraging the perpetrator to further acts of evil?

Now different Types of Suffering:
Boredom is the most deplorable suffering.
The most damnable suffering is to have your faith, in one you love and admire, slowly killed.
Despondency is the most unprofitable feeling a person can indulge in - avoidable suffering.

Now for a glance on the Secret of good living:
Live every day happily as if it were to be your last.
Do every job as if your life depends on it.
Treat everyone else as if you are in his/her shoes.

What about Fellowship:
Fellowship is heaven and lack of it is hell.
Fellowship is life and lack of it is death.
And the deeds that you do on this earth - reflect and you will find that it is for fellowship's sake that you do them.

Music is a moral tonic:
It gives wings to the mind.
It gives flight to the imagination.
And best of all it gives charm to sadness.

It comes in three varieties;

Intelligence in Choice of fellow beings:
I choose my acquaintances for their good looks.
I choose my friends for their good character.
I choose my enemies for their intellect. ( A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.)

Mother is the love that you can count on all through the years:
Mother's smile is one that seems to chase your cares away.
Mother's understanding look is one that tells much more than words can say.
Mother's word of praise is one that calms your doubt or fears.

Another aspect - Mother is the tree that nurtures everyone in its shadow:
Through personal examples she:
Teaches us the meaning of love.
Makes us realize the meaning of compassion.
Makes us understand the meaning of humility.

Mother looked at yet another way:
We see her through the eyes of beauty.
Feel her through arms of gentleness.
Know her through hearts of love.

Friday, March 23, 2007


My grandson and Bacronyms:

My grandson is very inquisitive. He has gone through my list of Bacronyms and deliberately selects words not yet made and questions me. This is based on his queries:
One day he said, a "Historian" is rarely, if at all, present at the scene, so how does he write all that we read in history books? I decided to answer him in my own special way, forming a phrase using only the letters of the word in sequential order. After thinking for some time I finally told him:
Hearsay Information, Sifting Thoroughly, Objectively Records Incidents And Narratives.
Or maybe:
He Imagines Something, Twists Others, Records Idiosyncrasies, Assembles Narratives.
His next query was about "Temptation", the answer I game him was:
The Ever, Mesmeric, Ploy That Attempts To Incite, Outrageous Notions.
His next question was about "Abdomen", the answer was:
Actually Belly, Digestive Organ, Metabolizes, Entire Nourishment.
He now came up with "Gymnastics", it took me quite some time to come up with an answer, but finally I gave one:
Gives Your Muscles Noteworthy Adaptability, Stimulus, Thereby Imparting Co-ordination, Strength.
He then wanted to be enlightened about an "Optimist" and a "Pessimist", well I had to bring out the difference very clearly, here is what he was told:
Outcome Predictable, Task Is Manageable, I'll Surely Triumph; and
Predictably, Even Sees Serious Impediments, Machinations, In Small Things.
His next question took me by surprise, it was about "Siesta', well here was the answer I gave:
Spain Itinerary - Enjoy Sleep Through Afternoon.
As I said earlier he was testing me as he next came up with "Catastrophe" well fortunately I too had a ready reply for him: -
Calamity; Accursed Total Annihilation; Startling Thunderbolt; Result Of, Particularly, Horrendous, Event.
He was ready for some more so I told him no more but on his insistence I said o.k. one more he came up with "Tradition" and the answer I formed was: -
Time-honoured, Religious And Dynastic Instructions, Teachings Implemented, Observed, Nostalgically.
Well quite some time back I was fascinated by Acronyms and had been wondering if it would be too difficult to treat ordinary English Dictionary words as Acronyms? I tried and found it an interesting exercise, and started coining, what I preferred to call - BACRONYMS. Today I have a collection of over 4,000 words!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


The most useless thing to do ....................................... Worry.
The greatest Joy......... ......... ..... ................................. Giving.
The greatest loss........ .............. .................................. Loss of self-respect.
The most satisfying work........ ..... .............................. Helping others.
The ugliest personality trait....... ......... ........................ Selfishness.
The most endangered species..... ......... ....................... Dedicated leaders.
The greatest "shot in the arm"........ .............................. En.couragement.
The greatest problem to overcome.... ..... .................... Fear.
Most effective sleeping pill........ ... .............................. Peace of mind.
The most crippling failure disease..... .......................... Excuses.
The most powerful force in life........ ...... ..................... Love.
The most dangerous pariah...... ......... .......................... A gossiper.
The world's most incredible computer... ...................... The brain !
The worst thing to be without..... ......... ....................... Hope!
The deadliest weapon............................................. ..... The tongue?
The two most power-filled words....... .......................... " I Can"
The greatest asset....... ....... ........................................ Faith.
The most worthless emotion..... ......... ......................... Self-pity.
The most prized possession.. ......... ............................. Integrity.
The most beautiful attire...... ......... . ........................... A SMILE!
The most powerful channel of communication. .... ........ Prayer.
The most contagious spirit...... ...... ............................. Enthusiasm!
The most important thing in life....... ................... ....... GOD.
Everyone needs this list to live by...pass it along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


6. TEACHER: UTSAV, why do you always get so dirty?
UTSAV: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
7. TEACHER: NEHA, give me a sentence starting with "I."
NEHA: I is...
TEACHER: No, NEHA..... Always say, "I am."
NEHA All right... "I am... the ninth letter of the alphabet."
8. TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, RADHIKA, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
RADHIKA: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
9. TEACHER: Now, KARAN, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
KARA N: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
10. TEACHER: RADHIKA, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your sister's. Did you copy it?
RADHIKA: No, teacher, it's the same dog.
11. TEACHER: PALLAVI, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
PALLAVI: A teacher.
12. Teacher Neha, I often forget my things somewhere, what is the easiest way to get them?
Neha: Madam try to go 'for' and get them.
13. Teacher: Utsav, I spilled varnish on the floor, will you please help clean.
Utsav: Sure madam, let us just remove 'r' and make it 'vanish'
14. Teacher Radhika, what is the easiest way to reduce '9' to '6'?
Radhika Madam did you try reversing the paper on which '9' is written!
15. Karan suddenly got up from his seat and put a question to the Teacher - can you please tell which is the longest word in the English dictionary? The teacher was taken aback and was struggling to give an answer. Pallavi came to her rescue and said teacher it is 'SMILES' because the distance between the first letter and the last letter is a 'mile'.

Thursday, March 15, 2007



I am standing on the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says "There She Goes"!
Gone where? Gone from my sight - that's all. She is just as large as in mast and hull and spar just as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the places of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says "There She Goes", there are other voices ready to take up the glad shout "Here She Comes"!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Deft Definitions
CALAMITY The perfect glass wherein we truly see and know ourselves.
CALUMNY A wasp that worries you. Do not try to get rid of it unless you are sure of slaying it, for it would return to the charge more furious than ever.
CAPITAL Result of labour.
CASTLES Forests of stone.
CAT A pygmy lion who loves mice, hates dogs and patronizes human beings.
CAUSE The trigger of all events.
CAUTION The eldest child of wisdom.
CELEBRITY a)A person, who having worked very hard till now to become well-known, starts wearing dark glasses, to avoid being recognized.
b) A mask that eats into the face.
CENSOR A person puts his "no's" in other peoples business.
CENSURE Tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
CERTAINTY It requires promise that we can deliver and deliver, thereafter, od=f that promise.
CHANCE a) A willing accomplice of the person who is ready to venture all.
b) That vague shadow of an infinite possibility which must be banished from the dictionary of our perceptions.
c) It is a word by which we cover and excuse our own ignorance.
CHARACTER a) A diamond that scratches every other heart.
b) It is that sublime health which values one moment as another and makes us great in all conditions.
CHARM The best beautician.
CHARITY a) The milk of human kindness.
b) Cover for multitude of sins.
CHASTITY That part of our character which enables us to breathe pure air in the foulest places.
CHILD A specie of human beings who faces the hard problems of learning good table manners without seeing any.
CHILDHOOD A stage in the process of that continual remanufacture of the life stuff by which the human race is perpetuated.
CHILDREN They are culprits who are not allowed to behave as their parents did at their age.
CHIVALRY a) The urge a man has to protect a woman from everyone except himself.
b) It is like a drink. It's quite a good thing in moderation, but it doesn't pay to indulge in it too often.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007



Let me talk to you about Friendship. You must have heard a lot about it - and also given a lot of thought to it. What it should mean, what it should do and what it and friends can achieve, you may also have heard somebody say:
What is Friendship but a name,
A charm that lulls to sleep,
A shade that follows wealth and fame,
And leaves the wretch to weep.
Well different people behave differently and have different experiences. So with all this talk and knowledge you too may have felt confused and may also have felt Friendship is just a kind of lottery in life, only if you are lucky you get a friend who gives complete satisfaction. Examine, too, your own behaviour towards your friends of the past, in particular.
Well I am going to take the liberty to bring, to add, something!
"True friendship is of a royal lineage. It is of the same kith and breeding as loyalty and self-forgetting devotion, and proceeds upon a higher principle than even they. For loyalty may be blind, but friendship must not be; devotion may sacrifice principle of right choice, which friendship must guard with an excellent and watchful care. The object of friendship like that of love is to serve, not to win"!
The object of Friendship is not only to love but also to guard and guide, guide to ways of wisdom, and -
"If wisdom ways you wisely seek,
Five things observe with care,
Of whom you speak, with whom you speak,
And how and why and where."
You may perhaps have tried to be friends and have failed, failures may also be in other directions and matters, but let me tell you - "success in this world is rarely achieved but that should not deter you, for isn't the purpose of life - to chase success"? Put in other words, you should be physically and mentally in tune with the sentiments expressed here:
Though I do my best, I scarcely succeed,
But what if I fail of my purpose here?
It is but to keep the nerves at strain,
To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall,
And baffled, get up and begin again,
So the chase takes up one's life; that's all.
We have digressed, so it appears, from Friendship to Life, and my considered advice is - "Let your life lightly dance on the edge of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf". Nay, I will go a step further and take you to the realm of the future and yet what always is "the present", and I trust you will agree;
"Every tomorrow has two handles, one can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith".
And I will add further;
"We should live for the future and yet should find our life in the fidelities of the present".
And conclude that;
"The last is the only method of the first".
Perhaps you may be thinking that this all is too much for the grey matter in your cerebral region or too boring. But then let me assure you that;
"There is nothing so elastic as the human mind. Like imprisoned steam, the more it is pressed, the more it rises to resist the pressure. The more we are obliged to do the more we are able to accomplish".
So don't ever think that the tasks assigned to you by your friends are too many for you to tackle and all this too much for you to digest, and to end;

Monday, March 12, 2007



You make magic everyday,
With your unique recipe,
That you have created just for me.
With eternal shelf life,
Something with absolute and,
Authentic, unique, flavour.
With which you enrich my life!!!!!!
Ingredients as I know them to be:
A dash of unusual gentleness,
Toppings of warmth and care,
Dollops of love and affection,
A pinch of tears, bunch of smiles,
Spiced with sense of duty,
Sense of sharing and empathy,
I have felt you mix these ingredients,
To whip up a scintillating specialty,
Garnished with generous amounts of,
Patience and understanding,
That delights me no end.
May you continue to provide me,
This special dish again today and ever.
Many, many more, enchanting, HAPPY BIRTHDAYS.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


A3. Time to play with words in a different way - a number game:
1 word I am always receptive to - We.
2 words I always wait to hear - You too.
3 words I want always to echo - I love you.
4 words I am always eager to hear - I care for you.
5 words I always fear to hear - I miss you very much.
6 words that always delight me - Just be with me and relax.
7 words that always enliven my heart - The day dawns, we shall share together.
8 words that make my day wonderful - The day shall traverse with its sweet melodies.
9 words that bring peace - The night arrives, sleep soundly, enjoy sweet dreams.
10 words that I know to be true - God is in heaven watching all children of His land.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


For a change here are some jokes.

1. TEACHER: Utsav, go to the map and find North America.
UTSAV: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
2. TEACHER: Neha, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
NEHA: You told me to do it without using tables.
3. TEACHER: Radhika, how do you spell "crocodile?"
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
RADHIKA: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
4. TEACHER: KARAN, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
KARAN: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
5. TEACHER: PALLAVI, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have twenty years ago.
6. TEACHER: UTSAV, why do you always get so dirty?
UTSAV: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
7. TEACHER: NEHA, give me a sentence starting with "I."
NEHA: I is...
TEACHER: No, NEHA..... Always say, "I am."
NEHA All right... "I am... the ninth letter of the alphabet."
8. TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, RADHIKA, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
RADHIKA: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
9. TEACHER: Now, KARAN, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
KARAN: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
10. TEACHER: RADHIKA, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your sister's. Did you copy it?
RADHIKA: No, teacher, it's the same dog.
11. TEACHER: PALLAVI, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
PALLAVI: A teacher.
12. Teacher: Neha, I often forget my things somewhere, what is the easiest way to get them?
Neha: Madam try to go ‘for’ and get them.
13. Teacher: Utsav, I spilled varnish on the floor, will you please help.
Utsav: Sure madam, let us just remove ‘r’ and make it ‘vanish’
14. Teacher: Radhika, what is the easiest way to reduce ‘9’ to ‘6’?
Radhika: Madam did you try reversing the paper on which ‘9’ is written!
15. Karan suddenly got up from his seat and put a question to the Teacher – can you please tell which is the longest word in the English dictionary? The teacher was taken aback and was struggling to give an answer.
Pallavi came to her rescue and said teacher it is ‘SMILES’ because the distance between the first letter and the last letter is a ‘mile’.

Friday, March 9, 2007


Have you ever wondered how many violent words we use in everyday use? I am presenting only a few of them, note down others from your memory. Why do we use such words?
Assault our eardrums.
Be dead on time.
Beat the drums.
Bite our tongue.
Blow the nose.
Blast the furnace.
Burn our boats.
Burn the candle.
Bury the hatchet.
Cut the slices.
Drown our sorrows.
Execute a will.
Hang our dress.
Hit the ball.
Kill an urge.
Murder democracy.
Nail a lie.
Shoot a photograph.
Sink our differences.
Skin the vegetables.
Smother a sneeze.
Steal a glance.
Strangle a laugh.
Tie the boat.
Try our luck.
Whip the cream.
This is but a sample; examine critically the language you use and you will be in for a surprise? Yes, I would like to share your findings.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


BABY - a) A little rivet in the bonds of matrimony.
b) An alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other.
c) It makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank accounts smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
BACHELOR - a) A man who never made the same mistake once.
b) A souvenir of some women who found a better one at the last minute.
BACK - That part of your friend which it is your privilege to contemplate in your adversity.
BANKER - A professional man who lends you an umbrella in fair weath-er and takes it away when it rains.
BANKRUPTCY - When you put your money in your hip-pocket and let your creditors take away your coat.
BARBARISM - Condition of past customs.
BEAUTY - a) Smile of God.
b) In the fair sex is the potent alchemy which transforms men into asses.
c) A soft, smooth, slippery thing and therefore of a nature which easily permeates our soul
BEHAVIOUR - A mirror in which everyone displays his image.
BELIEFS - Fashions of our environments.
BENDING - The exercise most frequently performed whether we like it or not.
BIOGRAPHY An uncoloured profile portrait of the better side of a man's face.
BIRTHDAYS - A malady like measles from which everyone suffers.
BLESSINGS - An event which is generally disguised. Most people will prefer it to be undisguised when they happen to be the beneficiary, but the theory that blessings in disguise are constantly happening they find consoling since it enables them to bear the troubles of others without feeling miserable.
BLOOD - Juice of the rarest quality.
BOASTER - He is like the denominator of a numeral, the bigger he tries to be the smaller in fact he becomes.
BODY - a) Guest-chamber of soul.
b) That well set clock which keeps good time, but if it be too much or indiscreetly tampered with, the alarm runs before the hour.
BOLDNESS -Bad in council, but good in execution.
BOOKS - a) Children of the brain.
b) Lighthouses erected in the infinite sea of time.
c) They are like women, the worse for being old. They have a pleasure in being read for the first time, they open their leaves more cordially, but the spirit of enjoyment wears out with the spirit of novelty and after a certain age it is high time to put them on the shelf.
BOOKSHOPS - Universities which everyone can enter.
BORE - a) A person who talks when you want him to listen.
b) A man, who when you ask him how he is, tells you so in detail.
BOREDOM - The most damnable of all sufferings.
BOSS - One who is early when you are late, and late when you are early.
BOY - A wild unmanageable beast.
BRAIN - Antenna of the body. Sponge like organization of nerve endings.
BRAVERY - A cheap and vulgar quality of which the brightest instances are found in the lowest savages.
BREVITY - The soul of wit.
BRIDE - A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
BUDGET -a) Monthly planning for future expenses wherein, despite having incurred unexpected expenses every month, we expect to have none during the coming month.
b) An accounting puzzle which just refuses to work out.
BUFFET - Get up and get it yourself.
BUILDING - Erection of a dwelling place foundation for which must not be laid before you are 45, you must have five year's income in hand before you lay a brick and always calculate the expense at the double the estimate.
BUREAUCRAT - An official who tells you, quoting rules, why your request cannot be entertained, as opposed to an administrator who tells you how it can be done within the same rules.
BUREAUCRACY - Thoroughness without thought.
BURKHA - Uniform of a virtuous woman - a highly inflammable piece of property requiring careful insulation from the male gaze.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


The most arrogant -1 letter word I - Avoid It
The most pleasant -2 letter word We - Use It Often.
The most poisonous -3 letter word Ego - Suppress It.
The most used -4 letter word Love - Value It
The most pleasing -5 letter word Smile - Spread It
The most nonsensical -6 letter word Rumour - Bury It
The most sought after -7 letter word Success - Strive Towards It
The most undesirable -8 letter word Jealousy - Fight It
The most powerful -9 letter word Knowledge - Acquire It
The most essential -10 letter word Confidence - Win It.
The most dangerous -11letter word Provocation - Conquer It
The most desirable -12 letter word Perseverance - Cultivate It
The most indispensable -13 letter word Determination - Strengthen It.
The most thought provoking -14 letter word Discrimination - Judiciously use it.
The most desirable yet rarely followed -15 letter word Straightforward - Stick to it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Special collection - words endimg in 'tion(s)'

ABERRATION Action Broadly Enigmatic, Rejecting Rational Approach Tries Innovative Operation Now.
ANTICIPATION Assimilating Noteworthy, Tangible Ideas, Carefully Interpreting, Pick-up Alternative That Is Obvious Now.
APPRECIATION Acclamation, Passionate Praise Recognizing Exceptional Creativity, Interesting Achievement, That Is Operational Now.
CELEBRATIONS Cosmetic Entertainment, Lively Events, Birthdays, Religious, Artistic, Traditional, Itineraries Offering, Nostalgic, Satisfaction.
COMPILATION Collection Of Material Publicized, Important Literary And Technical Information Often Needed.
CONDITIONS Compilation Of Neatly Defined Instructions, Their Infringement Ordinarily Not Safe.
CONTRADICTION Completely Opposite, Nay Thoroughly Reverse Assertion, Distinctly Indicating Criteria That Is Often Nonsensical.
CONVENTION Commonly Observed Norms, Views Expressed Normally, Thought Indispensable, Often Noteworthy.
CONVERSATION Channel Of Nebulous Value, Earliest Rational System Assisting Thought Inter-communication, Observation Network.
CONVICTION Considered Opinion, Normally Very Impressively Conveyed, That Is Often Noteworthy.
DEPRECIATION Describes Exact Price Reduction Entitlement Considered In Assessing Taxable, Income, Officially Notified.
DEPRESSION Deep Emotional Paralysis, Roundly Entailing Severe Strain, Induces Obdurate Nervousness.
DESTRUCTION Damages Effected Satanically To Ruin Utilitarian Commodities Terrifying Individuals Often Needlessly.
DETERMINATION Displaying Enthusiasm, Tackle Everything
Resolutely, Managing Impediments, Neatly
Attempt To Influence Others Nicely.
DISPOSITION Displays Inclination, Sensitiveness, Projecting Outright
Susceptibilities In Temperament Indicating Offhand
ELATION Exuberance, Lively Attitude That Induces Optimism Normally.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Take time each day to commune with nature and to silently witness the intelligence within every living thing that exists. Sit silently and watch a sunset, or listen to the sound of the ocean, or a stream, or simply smell the scent of a flower. Practice non-judgement! Begin each new day with the statement, "Today I shall judge nothing that occurs".

Conscious change is brought about by the two qualities inherent in consciousness: attention and intention. Attention energizes and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate and disappear. Intention on the other hand triggers transformation of energy and information. Intention organizes its own fulfillment.

The essence of effective time management is to organize and execute around balanced priorities. Most people say their main fault is a lack of discipline. I believe that is not the case. The basic problem is that their priorities have not become deeply planted in their hearts and minds.

Sunday, March 4, 2007



The famous Cornelius Agrippa(1486-1535) constructed Magic Squares of the orders 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 which were associated by him, with the 7 astrological "Planets", namely Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. A magic square of order 4 appears in one of Albercht Durer's best engraving "Melancholia 1_ (1514). His square is like the one from India, slightly altered (by rotation) and is shown below:
16 03 02 13
05 10 11 08
09 06 07 12
04 15 14 01 (please note 0's have been placed by me, they are not there in the original magic square.)_This square is also known as the Magic Square of Jupiter and is supposed to be intimately connected with all the attributes which, traditionally, astrologers have associated with Jupiter namely - Happiness, Prosperity, Good Fortune, A Long Life and so on. This square appears in the background in the Durer's engraving of the spirit of Melancholia. Albercht Durer, a 16th Century Artist, who was considered to be the greatest of his time, held the belief, still held by some present day occulists, that numerological techniques could be used to induce mood changes, the lifting, for example, of acute depression, the psychological disorder, which our ancestors referred to as melancholia. The Magic Square of Saturn, reproduced below, is said to have the reverse effect.
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
The Magic Square of Saturn- the harbinger of Love is reproduced below:
22 47 16 41 10 35 04
05 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 06 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 07 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 01 26 44 20
21 39 08 33 02 27 45
46 15 40 09 34 03 28


Pope Urban V111 was a dedicated student of astrology of his time and had come to the conclusion that the influence of planetary positions of Mars and Saturn in his horoscope, combined with an impending eclipse of the Sun, would have to be countered in some way or the other. He consulted a Dominician Friar named Campanella, one of the most learned man of his time, who advised that the beneficial planetary effects of Jupiter and Venus shold be used to neutralize the harmful effects of Mars and Saturn. The two squares were hung on his wall. The supposed influences of the squares were supplemented by the Pope listening to music, which he believed to be of a Jupiterian or Venusian type, scenting his apartment with roses and drinking distilled liqueurs flavoured with aromatic plants, which the astrologers of his time believed to be under the domain of Jupiter and Venus. Perhaps all these worked, certainly the Sun's eclipse took place, without the death of Pope Urban V111, who lived on for another 16 years.

WELL do these squares have really some magical properties? I believe they do have, for example, the total number of 5x5 squares is over 60 millions, using numbers from 1 to 25 and to give a total of 65, but, if you are asked to construct one, I am sure, you will either not succeed or take a long time! And what if you are asked to produce a 16x16 square, using numbers from 1 to 256, yielding a total of 2056? (Let me tell you the number of solutions will be in trillions.) Well don't despair, by the time you digest this paper, you will, probably, only take that much time as is required to draw the square and write down the numbers in the 256 cells of the given square - so aren't they really magical? Considering the stupendous results achieved by the engineering and the other applied sciences with the assistance of mathematics, it must be accepted that the forms of thought are wonderful indeed! As such, it is not at all surprising, that the primitive thinkers of mankind, when the importance of the laws of formal thought, in some way or another, first dawned in their minds, attributed to them supernatural powers. Somewhere herein lies the origin of the word MAGIC SQUARES! However Prof. De Morgan has been reported as having said: "Though the question of Magic Squares be in itself of no use, yet it belongs to a class of problems which call into action a beneficial species.... Without laying down any rules for their construction we shall content ourselves with destroying their magic quality and showing that the non-existence of such squares would be much more surprising than their existence". Truth, however, is not such a simple thing and, perhaps lies in between. When we discuss methods of formation of these squares we will find that the squares do need different solutions and the laws are indeed difficult to formulate. We have already seen how the numbers of the 3x3 square and the 4x4 square have some interesting properties. More as we go on to the other squares!

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Mary had a little car,
She drove in a manner deft,
And every time she signaled left,
The little car went right.

Hush my dear, lie still and slumber!
Holy Angels guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number,
Gently falling on thy HEAD!

Not with madness but with sadness,
My heart it's cruel lesson learns.
Not with sadness but with madness,
My heart the art of LOVE learns

Who ran to help me when I fell,
Or would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother, my mother, my dear mother!

Friday, March 2, 2007


AFFECTION - A spot in the geography of the mind.
AFFECTIONS - They are like lightning, you cannot tell where they will strike till they have fallen.
AFTERMATH - The next lesson after mathematics.
ALCOHOL - a) A food well in advance of medical thought.
b) A liquid good for preserving almost everything except secrets and etiquettes.
ALIMONY - a) The high cost of learning that you chose a wrong partner.
b) It is like paying for the auto after the wreck.
c) The high cost of Leaving.
AMBASSADOR Honest man sent to lie abroad.
AMBITION a) A leaping horse which may land you in the ditch.
b) It has but one reward for all; a little transient fame, a grave to rest in and a fading name.
c) The spur that makes men struggle with destiny. It is heaven's own incentive to make purpose great and achievement greater.
AMUSEMENT - Happiness of those who cannot think.
ANARCHIST - A baffled dictator.
ANATOMY - Something that everyone has but it looks better on girls.
Anger - It is rarely without reason but seldom with a good one.
ANIMALS = Agreeable friends who ask no questions and make no criticisms.
ANTIQUE - Fabulously priced junk.
ANTIQUITIES - Some remnants of history which casually escaped the shipwrecks of time.
ANXIETY - Loves greatest killer.
Apology - Politeness too late.
APOLOGISE a) To lay the foundation of a future offense.
b) Egotism wrong side out.
c) Super glue of life. It can just about repair everything.
ARCHAELOGIST - A specie of human beings who is most sought after husband if he is single. Every maiden is after him being convinced that the older she gets the more interested he will become in her.
ARCHITECT - One who drafts plan of your house and plans a draft of your money.
ARCHITECTURE - Frozen Music.
ARGUMENTS - Viewpoints contrary to ours which are always vulgar and yet convincing.
ARMY - A body of man assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats.
ARROGANCE - a) Outgrowth of prosperity.
b) A very debilitating and cankerous disease that digs into the vital parts.
ART - a) Wine of life.
b) Crystallization of emotion into thought.
ARTIST - A person whose career always begins tomorrow.
ASS - One who has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
ASTRONOMER - A man whose business is looking up.
ATHEIST - A man who has no invisible means of support.
ATTITUDE - The difference between the ground and the heights you achieve.
AUTHOR - A fool who, not content with having bored those who have lived with him, insists on boring future generations.
A - man whose business is all write.
AVERAGE - You are as close to the bottom as to the top.

Thursday, March 1, 2007



Why do we wait till a person is gone, before we tell him of his worth!
Why do we wait, why not tell him now, he's the finest man, we know, on earth!
Why do we wait till a person is gone, to send at his grave flowers agalore?
When a single rose would have meant so much, if we had taken it at his door!
Why do we wait till he cannot hear, the good things we wanted to say?
Why put it off, why not convey it now, and share in his joy today!
Of course, we are busy - that's our excuse. But why - oh WHY - do we wait,
To express our feelings, our love, for him, UNTIL IT BECOMES TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!