Thursday, May 31, 2007


NAME Face by which one is known.
NATURE Visible garment of God.
NECK Measuring jar for the troubles one is facing.
NECESSITY a) Need I say anything.
b) Mother of invention.
NEEDLE One whose life is always hanging by a thread.
NEIGHBOUR One who used to drop in for a call and now calls in for a drop.
NUEROTIC a) A person who has discovered the secret of perpet-ual emotion.
b) A man who builds castles in the air.
NEWS The first rough draft of history.
NEWSPAPERS a) World's mirror.
b) Circulating library with high B. P.
NIGHTMARES Direct result of injudicious feasting.
NOBILITY Like small-pox it leaves its marks even if a man gets over it.
NOISY-PARTY A celebration at your neighbour's place in which you are not taking part.
NOVELTY Grand parent of pleasure.
NON-VIOLENCE Supreme virtue of the brave.
NURSE A person who wakes you up to give you a sleeping pill.
OBEDIENCE Mother of success wedded to safety.
OBITUARY Acompacted version of a personal destiny and his small role in the larger game of life.
OBSTINATE Not one who holds opinions but one who is held by them.
OCCUPATION Scythe of time.
OPINIONS Heirs of our habits and mental customs.
OPTICIAN A man whose business is seeing better.
OPTIMISM Realisation that one window closing could also mean another will open.
OPTIMIST A man who is as often wrong as the pessimist but has lot more fun.
ORATORY The power of talking people away from their sober and natural opinions.
ORIGINALITY A pair of fresh eyes.
OVERWEIGHT A person who is generally beyond his seams.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Ever wanted to know what makes you think, feel and act the way you do? How your way of perceiving things, your reality, might differ from that of another person's? Do you ever wonder why you behave the way you do even when know that it would better to change your behaviour.
The ENNEAGRAM, a powerful and dynamic personality system, that describes nine distinct and fundamentally different patterns of thinking, feeling and acting, provides the answers to these questions and much, much more. It tells us what motivates us, what basic coping strategies we adopt to survive and thrive and what causes our relationships to flourish or flounder. In addition, the Enneagram provides a specific path of personal development and enrichment for each of the nine types - ways to discover our highest qualities and purpose in life. The Enneagram is an ancient system. Somewhat similar to astrology's 12 sun signs, the Enneagram is a human study that places personalities in nine categories.
The word 'Ennea' is Greek for nine and 'gram' means a figure or something drawn. Hence, the Enneagram is a diagram or star with nine points representing the nine personality patterns. Each of these nine pattern is based on an explicit set of perceptual filters that determine our worldview. Underneath each of the nine patterns is a basic proposition or belief about what you need in life for survival and satisfaction. As you discover your personality type and the underlying basic proposition, you will also discover what motivates you , your coping strategy and keys to personal development.
Because the Enneagram is such a fundamental and powerful way to understand personality, it provides numerous, often immediate, practical applications for personal development in such diverse fields as education, business, intimate relationships and family life.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Listen to the exhortation of the Dawn-
Look to the DAY!
In its brief course lie all the Verities
And realities of your existence!
The bliss of Truth, the glory of Action,
The splendour of Beauty.
For yesterday is but a dream, and
Tomorrow is only a vision,
But today, well lived makes every yesterday
A dream of Happiness, and
Every tomorrow a vision of Hope.
Look well, therefore, to the Day!
Such is the salutation of the DAWN!!!)

Monday, May 28, 2007


Some of the words in common usage have widely divergent meanings and need deep reflection. I don't lay any claims to the originality of the words/sentences I have chosen, they are from my very old collections modified from time to time. Here are a few of these words, which fascinate me the most:

ACCURACY - It is basic to style. Words dress our thoughts and should fit not only in their utterances but also in their implications, their sequences and in their silences, just as in architecture the empty spaces are as important as those that are filled. The problem of all writing, speech and conversation is the same as that presented by the composition of a telegram. One has to convey a meaning, with the use of a few and generally inadequate words, and eke it out with what the reader, drawing upon his own reserves, will understand. The number of words one can use can never be enough to express one's innermost and real feelings and the impression one wishes to convey. Hence the necessity for apt choice of the few words one really uses - but the reserves he can draw upon in the readers or listeners mind are lavish indeed and that's what counts. The entire art therefore lies in choosing the words that the person not only understands but also has no room for ambiguity or misunderstandings.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


De La Hire's Method:

De La Hire has kmnnsuggested a modified form of this procedure for even order square of 6_6. His method is to form two auxiliary squares with 0,6,12,18,24 & 30; and 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 in such a way that the columns of one square and the rows of the other square each so contain numbers, 3 times repeated, that the required sum summation of 90 for one swquare and 21 for the other square is achieved. We may, however, form these squaeres using A's and a's using the conditions stipulated by him. Our condition then will be that A's and a's be so combined in pairs that they total 30 and 7 respectively. We can take combinations of 0 and 30; 6 and 24; 12 and 18; 1 and 6; 2 and 5; 3 and 4. This will enable us to use permutations of numbers and thus generate multiple squares. The auxiliary squaress will take this shape:
A F F A F A ............. a e d c b f
E B E E B B .............. f b d c e a
D C C C D D ............ f e c d b a
C D D D C C ............ a e c d b f
B E B B E E .............. f b c d e a
F A A F A F ............. a b d c e f
If we take A = 0, B = 6, C = 12, D =18, E = 24, F = 30, a =1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5 and f = 6, our 6x6 square will be:
01 35 34 03 32 06
30 08 28 27 11 07
24 17 15 16 20 19
13 23 21 22 14 18
12 26 09 10 29 25
31 02 04 33 05 36
A further modification of this method, a bit more complicated, permits us use of A's and a's in such a way that the arithmetical sum of each row, column, and each diagonal, with appropriate values of A's and a's total nxn(n-1)/2 for A's and nx(n+1)/2 for a's. This means that there can be 2 or more A's and a's in diagonals too.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


MODERATION The silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues.
MODESTY a) Conscience of the body.
b) An ornament which is a guard to virtue.
c) The lowest of the virtues. It is a confession of the deficiency it indicates.
d) He who undervalues himself is justly undervalued by others.
MONEY a) A remarkable commodity which when you are to required to pay back always seems twice as much as when you borrowed it.
b) The sixth sense that enables the other five to be appreciated.
MONEY-LENDER One who serves us in the present tense, lends us in the conditional mood, keeps us in the subjective and ruins us in the future.
MORALE Self- esteem in action.
MORALITY A private and costly luxury.
MOTHER a) Caretaker of all our domestic needs.
b) Peacemaker between dad and kids.
MOTHERHOOD State of perpetual servitude.
MOTHER-IN-LAW A referee who has an interest in one of the contestants.
MURDERER A type of homo-sapien who does not exist outside the pages of a cheaper kind of thrillers. You are yourself a potential murderer, restrained so far, perhaps, by the lack of a sufficiently strong motive and partly by a healthy fear of what is represented by the representative of the law at the corner of the street.
MUSIC Voice of God.
MYSTERY Wisdom of the blockheads.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate and jealousy.
Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts,
But don't make up the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage, and one part of work.
Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation, and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
And a cupful of good humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile,
And serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness.
You're bound to have a happy new year.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Let us talk about our own body today (and match our views):
The human body is a self-nourishing, self-regulating, self-repairing, self-starting and self-reproducing machine installed at birth and lasting for a good three-quarters of a century, like a good grand-father's clock, requiring very little attention.
It is a machine. A machine provided with wireless vision and wireless hearing with a much more complicated system of nerves and lymphs than the most complicated telephone and telegraph system of the world. It has a system of filing reports done by a vast complexes of nerves, managed with such efficiency that some files, the less important ones are kept in the attic and the others are kept in a more convenient desk, but those kept in the attic, which may be more than 30 years old and rarely referred to are nevertheless there and found with lightning speed and efficiency. Perhaps the system is much faster and efficient than the fastest and latest of the present day computers. In computer terminology the memory capacity of the human brain is 10 trillion bytes or 100 times bigger than one gigabyte disc.
It also manages to go about like a motor-car with a perfect knee-action and absolute silence of engines and if the motor car has an accident and breaks its glass or its steering wheel, the car automatically exudes or manufactures a substance to replace the glass and does its best to grow a steering shaft, for we must remember that when one of our kidney gives way, the other swells and increases its functions to ensure the passage of the normal volume of urine. Then it also keeps up a normal temperature within a tenth of a Fahrenheit degree and manufactures its own chemicals for the purpose of transforming food into living tissue.
Above all, it has a sense of rhythm of life and a sense of time, not only of hours and days, but also of decades; the body regulates its own childhood, puberty and maturity, stops growing when it should no longer grow and brings forth a wisdom tooth at a time when no one of us even thought of it. Our conscious wisdom has nothing to do with our wisdom tooth.
It also manufactures specific anti-dotes against poison on the whole with amazing success and it does all those things with absolute silence without the usual racket of a factory, so that our superfine meta-physician may not be disturbed and is free to think about his spirit or essence.
It relies on a very cheap and abundantly available source of material for survival. Ventilation takes place to maintain a constant flow of fresh air, around 16 times a minute. It has a network of pipelines, stretching over 40 miles to transfer oxygen poor blood from all body tissues to a muscular pump, the best in the world, which purifies it and sends oxygen rich blood to all tissues to maintain their strength and vitality. The pump works uninterrupted, between 60 to 80 times a minute, to keep life flowing. The body has around 600 trillion tiny air bags in the lungs. The surface area they provide for oxygen and carbon-dioxide is equivalent to that of a tennis court.
It has a defense system that seeks out and engulfs any invading bacteria or viruses or disease causing organisms. It also has a mechanism which protects it from physical injuries by releasing chemicals which enable blood to clot and thus prevent blood outflow.
It has storm-troopers who carry carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs where it is exuded. It has garbage clearance apparatus which carry metabolic wastes from its factory to the kidneys which help to excrete it as urine and digested food is also transferred to this factory for processing and passing onward to the body cells as nourishment and waste product is routinely thrown out.
Believe me 15 million red blood cells are created and killed every second in the human body.
And marvel of marvels, the genetic engineering ensures that all organs and body features are identical in all human beings, except in very rare cases, and yet no two faces or body structure are identical in all respects, irrespective of which part of the world we look for them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


In our treasure of ever growing memories,
There are so many of which you are a part,
We have shared so many Happy Times,
And in our hearts we have been so close,
That it seems natural and a pleasure,
To send these Warm and Happy Thoughts,
With a sincere wish along the way,
For a very Happy and prosperous New Year.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


MACHINE An aid that may do the work of fifty ordinary workers but fails to do the work of even one extraordinary man.
MAGISTRATE An official who is often required to decide the responsibilities for accidents between vehicles on the road, each, according to its driver, on its proper side, duly signaled and sounded and at the time, stationary.
MAGIC The hand is quicker than the eye is.
MAJORITY A large number of people who have gotten tired of thinking for themselves and have decided to accept somebody else's opinion.
MAN a) A social animal who can be divided into two broad categories. Those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else.
b) Human race is said to be divided into two sexes of which the man is said to belong to the stronger sex, but in the opinion of this lexicographer " The weaker sex is stronger than the stronger sex because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex."
MANNERS a) The final and perfect flower of noble character.
b) They are like the cipher in arithmetic, they may not be of much value in themselves, but they are capable of adding a great deal to the value of everything else.
MARRIAGE a) A romantic novel in which the hero dies in the first chapter.
b) It is like the bath-by the time you get used to it, it is not so hot.
c) A barbaric formula designed originally to perpetuate the servitude of women and developed by modern courts to achieve the enslavement of men.
MARRIED-MAN Those who give-in when right.
MATRIMONY The sea for which no compass has yet been invented.
MATURITY Expertise developed to admit and say " I was wrong " and when right, ability to resist saying Ï told you so".
MEDDLING Principal occupation of women.
MEDITATION Wet nurse of thought.
MEMORY Something which recoils at you when you scold your child for an offense he commits, which you yourself did at his age.
METEOROLOGIST One who looks at the sky and tells us whether.
MIND a) What is it ? No matter. What is matter ? Never mind.
b) A part of human body which, like the parachute, works best when open. However, like the richest jewels that are ,sooner or later, found to wear out their settings, a great many of these so called open minds should be closed for repairs at the proper time lest they consume the body to which they are attached.
MIRACLE s) An event which defies natural laws and the most incredible thing about these miracles is that they do happen.
b) An event described by those to whom it was told by men who didn't see it.
MIRAGE Look directly at what you seek and see it disappear.
MISCHIEF Something in respect of which it is difficult to decide as to whether we suffer from it most from our enemies with the worst intentions or from friends with the best of intentions.
MISNOMER The right name for the wrong word.
MISERY a)It loves company but cannot bear competition.
b) Shadow of happiness.
MISTAKE a) A new lesson for success.
b) One that you don't make, if you learn from every one that you do make.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Let me surf by saying something about TIME, everyone is familiar with the saying: -
In time take time while time doth last, for time is no time when time is past.
All the same time is a very unreliable thing. When we want it to fly, the hours stick to us like glue. It is a changeable thing too. Time is the twine to tie our lives into parcels of months and years. Or a rubber band stretched to suit our fancy. Time can be a pretty ribbon in a little girl's hair or the lines in our face, stealing our youthful colour and hairs. But in the end time is a noose around the neck, strangling slowly?
Devote time for work - it is the price of success.
Take time to think - it is the source of power.
Spare time to play - it is the secret of youth.
Allow time to do selective reading - it is the foundation of wisdom.
Find time to be friendly - it is the road towards happiness.
Take time to dream - it is hitching your wagon to a star.
Keep time for love and to be loved - it is the privilege bestowed by the Divine One.
Be always ready to look around to help - it is too short a day to be selfish.
Grab every available opportunity that time offers to laugh - it is the music of the soul.
And last but not the least take time to share fun - it is what creates harmony.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Insurers safely rise at our risk
Doctors flourish on Poor Health
Gardeners grow on Plants
Tailors make money Cutting Clothes
Priests rely on Blind Faith
Butchers depend on Slaughter
Plumbers capitalize on Leaks
Policemen shoot up on Criminals
Electricians climb up on Poles
Palmists live off Lines
Surgeons cement their wealth on cutting our parts and pockets
Chemists lean on Drugs
Cooks feed on our appetites
Firemen warm up on Fires
Lawyers bank on Litigation
Bureaucrats get along on Rules
Bankers enjoy on our savings
Sweepers survive on garbage
Grave-diggers prosper on our dead bodies
Blackmailers move up on keeping our secrets alive.
Money-lenders build on our interest

Saturday, May 19, 2007


LOGIC a) Grammar of reason.
b) It is neither an art nor a science but a dodge.
c) That branch of human sciences which can be used to prune away all sorts of clogging deadwood that clutters up human language.
LOVE a) A divine idea never realized.
b) Conflict between reflexes and reflexion.
c) The fairest and most profitable guest that a reasonable creature can entertain.
d) Life's greatest pleasure, either way.
Passions toy.
e) A rainbow fashioned out of a fusion of tears and smiles of self - sacrifices and self - revelations.
f) Astrolabe of the mysteries of God.
LOYALTY A word which is black and white, so often misapplied, so double - faced and hard to recognize from one side to the other, that, perhaps, it will be better to leave it out of use altogether. Its presence is assumed, its absence blamed with a partial and unreasonable passion. Rarely the same for him who speaks and him who hears from even the most slightly divergent angle and the fact is that the word is a collective whose use with a singular meaning is almost, without an exception, a mistake.
LUCK a) Lazy man's estimate of a worker's success.
b) It generally comes to those who look after it, and my notion is, it taps once in a life-time at everybody's door , but if industry does not open it, away it goes.
c) Chemical reaction produced on mixing preparation with opportunity.
LUXURY a) Mother of fine arts with genius, which itself is a kind of luxury, as their father.
b) The vampire which soothes us into a fatal slumber while it sucks the life-blood in our veins.
LYING A fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an achievement in a bachelor and second nature to a married man or woman.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Arpit and his friends of both sexes were invited for a special programme. One restriction was, however, placed. None of the boys were to bring in their girl friends. This is what transpired at the meeting.
Arpit introducing his friend Mohan said he is very sad these days. He does not know when his Doctor girlfriend will be free from Malaria, Pneumonia, typhoid, and what not.
Ankit introducing his friend Krishna, who was not very attractive looking but was an archaeologist remarked he will be hard put to select a girl for marriage as all girls will be after him knowing very well that the older she gets the more interested he will become in her.
Sneha introducing Ankit, on his way to become an architect, said any girl who marries him will have an enviable house. Urmil interrupted her saying that what guarantee it will be a good 'Home'.
Urmil introducing Arpit, studying in NID, said the girls should be careful in wooing him as it may be difficult to understand his 'Designs'.
Mohan introducing Urmil, proprietor of a Beauty Saloon, warned that she should never invite her boyfriend in the shop lest he falls for one of the customers.
Krishna introducing Sneha, a well-known dancer, was unduly worried if her boyfriend would have to always dance to her tunes?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


To stop before you're tired
The experts say is smart,
So that quite nicely lets me out,
I'm tired before I start!

Better never trouble 'TROUBLE'
Until trouble troubles you,
For you only make your trouble,
Double-trouble, when you do!

Men have many faults,
Dear women have but two,
They never think, that is right,
They never wrong what they do!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


LABOUR Employer of Capital.
LANGUAGE a) Memory of the human race.
b). Not only the vehicle of thought but also a great and efficient instrument in thinking.
c) Transmitter of thought from one person to another.
LAUGHTER a) A sense of our own superiority suddenly awakened by the sight of some kind of inferiority in others.
b) Is like the bite of a snake. It feels like prick of a needle but it kills after sometime.
c) Sunlight of the spirit.
LAW a) It is bad to have it but it is sometimes worse to be without it.
b) Embodiment of the moral sentiment of the populace.
LAWS a) Rules framed by the society for its functioning which are useless when the
constituents are virtuous and are broken when they are corrupt.
b) Nets of such a texture that the little creep through, the great break through, and it is only the in-between one's who get entangled.
LAWYER a) Man who hires out his words and anger.
b) One who practices law-a bottomless pit.
c)An engineer who keeps the machinery of justice well-oiled so that it doesn't get out of gear but keeps running smoothly.
LEADER One who never permits his followers to discover that he is as dumb as they are.
LEARNING Eye of the mind.
LECTURE Cure for insomnia.
LECTURER One with his hands in his pockets, his tongue in your ear and his faith in your patience.
LEISURE Time for doing something useful.
LETTERS Mirror of heart.
LETTER - WRITING A delightful art of wasting time.
LIAR One who tells the truth about something that never happened.
LIBERAL a) A man who is willing to spend someone else's money.
b) One who has both feet in the air.
LIBERTY Something you can only have by giving it to others.
LIBRARY a) Collection of innumerable dishes of admirable flavour.
b) The graveyard of the greatest minds where students tread with silent steps.
c) Time machine that can transmit you to any era in seconds.
LIFE a) A tragedy for those who feel, a comedy for those who think.
b) A jig-saw puzzle with most of the pieces missing.
c) A potpourri of uncertain pleasures and unexpected sorrows.
d) A drama with Act I-being born, involving innumerable rehearsals; followed by Act II-living a hilarious, romantic, at times tragic, at times dangerous life leading to Act III-death the ultimate goal of life.
LINGUIST A man who has mastered every language but his wife's.
LIPSTICK Something that adds flavour to an age old pastime.
LIQUOR A hot beverage that makes us go straight when the road is curved.
LITERATURE Mirror of prevalent customs and practices of the time.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Auxiliary Square Method.

Magic squares of odd order and doubly even order can be easily constructed by a method which uses 2 auxiliary squares. It, at one go, generates a large number of squares of the given order. Form two auxiliary squares, one with A,B,C,D,.....and the other with a,b,c,d,.... These are to be constructed like any other magic square in as much as each of the alphabets appears once and once only in each row, each column and each diagonal. However the two squares should not be identical. The two squares are to be merged ensuring that each A's gets associated with each a's once and once only. This would ensure that each "a" gets associated with each "A" etc.,. Given below are 4x4 order squares for illustration:-
A D B C ----- a b c d
D A C B ----- c d a b
B C A D ----- d c b a
C B D A ----- b a d c

Aa Db Bc Cd
Cc Bd Da Ab
Dd Ac Cb Ba
Bb Ca Ad Dc

Aa is now to be read as A+a, Bb as B+b, etc., Now A can be given any of the four numbers 0, 4, 8, 12 and a any of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. (in general 0, n, 2n, 3n, and 1, 2, 3, 4, ....) B and b can be given any of the remaining 3, C and c can be given one of the remaining 2, and D and d the last numbers. It will be noticed that, automatically, we have all the required numbers from 1 to 16. This can give us 4!x4!/4 = 144 squares. One such square with A = 12, B = 8, C = 0, D = 4, a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, & d = 4, is generated below as an ex:-
13 06 11 04
03 12 05 14
08 15 02 09
10 01 16 07
For a 5x5 order square we have
Aa Dc Be Eb Cd
Bb Ed Ca Ac De
Cc Ae Db Bd Ea
Dd Ba Ec Ce Ab
Ee Cb Ad Da Bc
with a,b,c,d,e having values 1,2,3,4&5, and A, B,C,D,&E having values from 0,5,10,15 &20. This method immediately yields 5!x5! /4 = 3600 squares.

Here is an 8x8 order square by the auxiliary square method.
Cc Ga Hg De Fh Bf Ad Eb
Fg Be Ac Ea Cd Gb Hh Df
Bh Ff Ed Ab Gc Ca Dg He
Gd Cb Dh Hf Bg Fe Ec Aa
Ef Ah Bb Fd Da Hc Ge Cg
Db Hd Gf Ch Ee Ag Ba Fc
Ha Dc Ce Gg Af Eh Fb Bd
Ae Eg Fa Bc Hb Dd Cf Gh
It will yield 8!x8!/4 squares.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


A. Those who can - do.
B. Those who cannot - advise.
C. Those who cannot do even that - teach.
D. Those who cannot do even that - teach teachers to teach.
E. Those who cannot do even that - administer
F. Those who cannot do even that - join politics.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Life is a work - begin it.
Life is a battle - win it.
Life is a pure heart - shield it.
Life is a spectre - wield it.
Life is God's lesson - learn it.
Death is His good rest - earn it.
Life be it happy or unhappy, fortunate or unfortunate it is the only good man is born with and he who does not love life is unworthy of life. And if life is worth living it is worth living nobly. Yet men/women do not care how nobly they live, but only how long, although it is within the reach of every one of us to live nobly but clearly in no person's power yet to live as long as one wants.
Life is uncertain and can be compared to a candle in a stormy weather, which may give way anytime. But it is unto us to look upon it instead as a splendid torch which we have got hold of for the moment and it should be our endeavour to make burn as long as possible, before handling it on to the next generation.
How long life should be? The wise person will like to live as long as he ought to, not as long as he can. He will always reflect upon the quality and not the length of his life. Life becomes too long when filled with idleness, too short when packed with business, but too happy to be to be judged in terms time when spent in the service of others - for the good of others. However, it is not possible for every one of us to devote our lifetime in the service of the rest of humanity, nor would it be practicable for all.
If all were good - who would appreciate goodness?
If all were great - how will one differentiate one from the other?
And if all were to take to social service - whom will they serve?
As a matter of fact each one of us in his/her field does serve his/her fellow beings, though this service may be indirect and, naturally, within certain well defined limits and open to conflicting stresses and strains. However unpleasant one's duty may be one can always do it sincerely and be polite and courteous.
Since trifles make the sum of human beings,
And half our misery from our foibles spring.
Since life's best joy consists in peace and ease,
And few may save or serve but all may please.
Let the ungentle spirit learn from thence,
A little unkindness is a great offence.
What constituents contribute to good life? Are they ease and facility or effort and difficulty, surely the latter. In this competitive age in all spheres difficulties are encountered and have to be overcome before any decided measure of success is achieved. And mind you success will slip away from you like sand through the fingers, like water through a leaking pail, unless held tight by hard work day by day, night by night, year in and year out!
In practical life and in our country (India), particularly, today when morals are continuously sinking to lower and lower levels, perhaps success is not easily accessible by fair means and for those who have no compunction about the means they employ success appears to be too easily achieved. But is this latter success lasting? Does it give peace of mind? It may be earning riches, it may be giving fame, it may be bringing prosperity, but at what cost - one has to pay in terms of his character. Believe me - Fame is a vapour, Popularity an accident, Riches take wings, only one thing endures - Character. And character is much easier kept than recovered and "that man/woman who from sinister views or littleness of soul lends hand to injure continues a wound it will not be in his power to heal". This injury may not be direct or visible. A person who indulges in adulteration not only cheats his/her customers but lends public to cast aspersions on those honest manufacturers who may be dealing straight. A vendor who sells in black market not only extracts a higher price from the needy but deprives a bigger and perhaps sufficient distribution to all by hoarding stocks.
DUTY - Duty performed is a moral tonic; if neglected the tone and strength of both mind and heart are weakened and the spiritual health undermined, but, if otherwise, it leads to peace of mind and happiness. And in discharge of your duties don't be diverted by any idle reflections the silly world may make upon for their censors are not in your power and should not at all be your concern. Always act firmly but rightly - this may gratify only some people but will definitely astonish the rest. Always stand by truth - firmness in adherence to truth and duty is generally more decided when most intelligent and conscientious and is sometimes mistaken for obstinacy by those who do not comprehend its nature and doubt the motives.
CHANCE - What should be place of chance in our daily life? I can do no better than to quote the late Shri Arubindo who said ' Chance that vague shadow of an infinite possibility must be banished from the dictionary of our perceptions. For, of Chance we can make nothing. Chance does not at all exist, it is merely a word by which we cover and excuse our ignorance.
ACTION - Act and act instantly, thoughtfully:
In time take time while time doth last'
For time is no time when time is past.
And the action has necessarily to be of our initiative. If, however, you subscribe to the theory "what God wills, will happen" - you may also find another hypothesis to be equally applicable "If man folds his arm God goes to sleep".
BRAVERY - Strive in Bravery with the bravest, just as you should strive in action with the most active, but please do not compete with the richest in wealth, with the greediest in greed etc., lest misfortune befall you.
MANNERS-What a rare gift is that of manners! How difficult to define and how much more difficult to impart. Better for us to possess them than beauty or talent or riches. They will compensate for all of them.
GENTLENESS - Always be Gentle. It is almost a definition of a gentle person to say that he/she is one who never inflicts pain intentionally. They make light of favours while doing them and seem to be receiving them when in fact conferring them. They observe the maxim of the ancient sage - that we should conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if they were one day to be our friend.
CHANGE - Change is the essence of life. But from cradle to the grave, man, the social animal is a slave to his own convictions. He fashions his life in a particular mould and normally goes on living it in the same mode - failing to recognize the changes in thinking and action that become necessary due to the passage of time. Thinking of the generation changes but not of an individual, thus bringing disappointment. Yes, do resist moral degradation. "Simple living but high thinking" that should be the aim at all times - that will ensure peace of mind.
Life is eternal and so can one's pen move on endlessly on this theme. But individual's life invariably gets cut short and so must my writing! But before I conclude the eternal desire to continue compels me to say:
The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating concerns and duties. Always act the gentleman and perform your duties with laughter and kindness, let cheerfulness abound with industry. Go blithely on with your business and go to the resting beds weary and content and undishonoured and enjoy the gift of sleep. And remember the old maxim:
Kind Hearts are the Gardens,
Good Words are the Roots,
Kind Thoughts are the Flowers,
Good Deeds are the Fruits.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


A week before the dawn of the New Year at Agra, a representative gathering of Tradesmen and Professionals from different walks of life discussed the state of their business enterprises. Extracts from their discussions collected by our reporter are given below:
It is just going down wailed the Miner.
Mine is just flowering beamed the Florist.
I am still hammering out a solution to my difficulties mumbled the Blacksmith.
Things are opening up said the locksmith.
Ours is child's play declared the Toy-maker.
My business is dyeing said the Dyer.
Mine is all dusty murmured the Vacuum-cleaner representative.
Mine need relocating was the point made out by Real Estate dealer.
Ours is just building up commented the Real Estate builder.
The honest Share-broker was not ready to comment anything, when pressed said 'it is all profit' whichever way you people meddle.
Mine is very risky bemoaned the Insurance Agent.
My profits are in tune sang the Musical-instruments shop-owner.
It is all a gamble said the Casino-owner grinning all the way.
I am well covered, trust me in my business responded the Banker.
Litigation continue to pile up was the candid comment of the Lawyers representative.
Mine is a trying experience wisely put in the Jurist.
Our results are beyond my expectations exclaimed the Principal of a Government school.
Mine is looking better said the Beautician.
I am being frequently bowled out cried the Cricketer.
I seldom achieve my goal said the Football-player.
I wish I could successfully avoid all the traps set for me said the Chess-player.
Mine is glamorous demonstrated the Actress.
Mine is balancing confidently said the Trapeze Artist.
The performance is getting more and more trickier grumbled the magician.
I am still struggling to make it to the top said the Wrestler.
I am holding my own was all the Weight lifter was prepared to say.
Could I only swim out of my troubles, I would be a success said the long-distance Swimmer.
Mine is alarming simply put in the Clock-repairer.
Mine is stationary muttered the Paper Merchant.
Mine is just clicking rued the Photographer.
Mine is simply burning out said the Fireman bravely.
Mine is all 'washed out' was the bitter reply from the Laundry-man.
Mine is in 'flames' warned the Welder good humourously.
Mine is building up said the Mason joyfully.
I am being laughed at all the time barked the Joker.
People still have full faith in my predictions was the exuberant comment of the local Astrologer.
My business is picking up smilingly declared the Taxi-driver.
Mine requires spoon-feeding gratefully acknowledged the Hotelier.
The dough is rolling in the Baker was all smiles saying it.
Students flock to my classes learning and enjoying my savoury dishes claimed the Tasty-Bite proprietor.
Mine is soaring promptly responded the pilot of a private plane.
My business is looking up said the Astronomer quietly.
Mine is only show business grinned the Film producer.
Mine is going up in smoke complained the Cigarette manufacturer.
Mine is 'all write' chuckled the Author.
I wish I could 'solve all my problems' was all the Scientist was prepared to say.
Mine is just sew-sew (so-so) remarked the Tailor.
Mine is 'growing' boasted the Farmer.
It is all fault finding grumbled the Electrician.
My business is cooling down in spite of things getting hot elsewhere mumbled the Fridge salesman.
Mine is extremely noisy said the Fireworks chap.
Mine is fishy was the pungent comment of the Fisherman.
Mine is healthy retorted the Fruit merchant.
Mine is drugging(dragging) deplored the Chemist.
Mine is improving was the confident assertion of the Physician.
Mine is 'looking better' clearly pointed the Optician.
I started from scratch ruefully said the Dermatologist.
Mine is in plaster said the Orthopaedician.
It requires a lot of mental balancing pitched in the Mental Hospital warden.
Mine is roaring loudly said the Auto-mechanic.
Mine is still very colourful pointed out the Painter.
Mine is going down the drain said the Sweeper.
Mine is just shining was the assertion by Shoe-shine-boy.
Mine is picking up joyously said the Rag picker.
People are getting very stingy bemoaned the Beggars leader.
Mine is crumbling said the 'Demolishing squad leader'.
We are still trying to tame the unruly traffic said the Traffic Inspector.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


JEALOUSY Jaundice of the soul. The homage that inferiority pays to merit.
JOY An inner satisfaction which only serves to make us feel grief more keenly.
JUDGE He who seeing no guidance for human affairs other than his own limited foresight endeavours to play the God and decides what is right and wrong .
JUSTICE A thing known to be blind by the ancients, by ourselves admitted to be blind, will be acclaimed blind by the tongue of our descendants, but still will be craved for.
KINDNESS a) Its own mother and its own daughter because it is born out of kindness and gives birth to kindness.
b) Sun-shine in which virtue flourishes.
c) Golden chain that binds society.
KISS a) A noun, though often used as a conjunction; it is never declined-it is more common than proper, is used in the plural and agrees with all genders.
b) A peculiar proposition which is of no use to one yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing, the young man has to steal it and the old man has to buy it. The baby's right, the lover's privilege and the hypocrite's mask. To a young girl FAITH, married woman HOPE and old man CHARITY.
KNOWLEDGE a) The small part of our ignorance that we arrange and classify most assiduously.
b) Eye of desire.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


THE MIDDLE PATH - Enunciated by Gautam Buddha

Be Religious, not Bigoted; Virtuous, not Self-righteous; Devout, not Fanatical; gather Wealth, not Cruelly; Enjoy, without Elation; Speak gently, not Insincerely; be Brave, without Boasting; be Generous, not Wasteful; be Sentimental, not Emotional; Give, not Indiscriminately; Speak boldly, not Harshly; make Friends, not with Ignoble; Fight, not with Friends; seek Information, not from the Unreliable; serve your Interest, without Hurting others; ask Advice, not from the Unwise; praise Virtues, not your Own; Trust, but not the Evil; Punish, not Thoughtlessly; love and guard thy Spouse, without Jealousy; be Refined, but not Supercilious; Feed delicately, not Unwholesomely; enjoy Conjugal pleasure, not Overmuch; honour the Wealthy, not the Proudly; Serve, without Deceit; Propitiate, without Fawning; be Clever, not out of Season; be Angry, not without strong Cause; be Gentle, not to the Mischievious; worship Deity, without Display.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Well I am looking forward to your comments on whatever I have so far posted and what I may post hereafter. Suggestions and new additions for improving this page, please send without any reservations, and remember:
Among the smaller duties of life, I hardly know any one more important than that of not praising where praise is due. Reputation is one of the prizes which men/women contend for, it produces more labour and more talent than twice the wealth a country could ever rear up. It is the coin of genius and it is the imperious duty of every person to bestow it with the most scrupulous justice and the wisest economy without any reservations.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


IGNORANCE Satisfaction with one's own opinions and contentment with one's own knowledge.
IMAGINATION a) Eye of the soul.
b) The most elastic of things. It can be stretched indefinitely.
c) The ability to bend the mind around the corners.
IMITATION a) Monkey business.
b) Sincere-most form of flattery.
IMMORTALITY A belief that has survived all ages and tragedies.
INDEPENDENCE The price a woman is ready to pay for the privilege of being called a " married - lady".
INFANT Something that gets you down by day and up at night.
INFIDELITY Fearful blindness of the soul.
INFLATION When nobody has enough money because everybody has too much.
INHERITANCE It has the finest gift we can give to our children when we allow them to make their own way, completely on their own feet, with proper education.
INK Media of writing more sacred for a scholar than the blood of the martyr.
INNOCENCE The sacred amulet against all the poisons of infirmity and all misfortunes, injury and death.
INSTINCT a) Nose of the mind.
b) Natural way of doing things.
c) Genetic gift/reward.
INSULT It is better not to see one than to avenge it.
INTELLECT Starlight of the brain.
INTELLECTUAL One who is more easily taken by mass suggestion than others, because his experience is drawn not from life but more comfortably so from printed paper.
INTUITION That inner voice which enables a smart woman to contradict her husband even before he says anything.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Nothing can stop his steps who mocks,
At thunder-showers and lightning fits;
The confidence with which he treads,
Can shatter hardest rock to bits.
Who with decision clinches life;
And walks with vision, unafraid;
His reputation inevitably waxes high,
His goal is reached - his life is made.
That heart can never reach the goal,
Which goes astray in confusion;
Only that heart can reach the goal
Which is not tangled in illusion.
Know that it is your duty to go on,
With courage trusting in His Grace;
He who has triumphed over mind,
Is certain winner of the race.
Feet that are steady, firm and sure
Can make the proudest mountain bend;
The journey starts at every step,
In truth there is no journey's end.
When driver, car and wheel,
Become a trio, start to work as one;
Obstinate hurdles disappear,
Hazardous jobs are done.
He who leaves foot-prints on his life's way,
On him high glory is bestowed;
All earth receives him reverently,
While stars to him reveal the road.
Along life's journey - off and on
Lie obstacles of rock and ditch;
He who with courage drives the life's car
He truly reaches his goal without a hitch.
So just keep it up, up and up!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007


HOBBY a) Spice in the mill of life.
b)A safety valve which prevents a man from blowing up from too much pressure in his daily work.
HOME a) The spot of earth supremely blest. A clearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
The place where a man is free to say anything he pleases because nobody pays any attention to him.
b) An invention on which no one has improved yet!
HOME-WORK The penalty for the crime of being a student.
HONESTY A type of insurance policy that used to be issued in the good old days. It was paying rich dividends, but unfortunately the policy lapsed and now its revival is posing insurmountable problems, with the changed values of life.
HONOUR Reward of virtue - a blind angel.
HONEYMOON a) Coo - existence.
b) A short period of doting between the dating and debating.
HOPE a) Poor man's bread and butter.
b) A good breakfast, but a bad supper.
c)A gift superior than life itself. With it, life is full, interesting and useful.
d) The only universal liar who never loses her reputation for veracity.
e) Deceitful, as she is, serves at heart to conduct us through life by an agreeable path.
HOSPITAL Vicious, alienating death factories.
HOUSEWORK Something you do that nobody in your family notices unless you don't do it.
HUG Energy gone to waist.
HUMILITY a) Test of greatness.
b) Hallmark of holiness.
c) The root, mother, nurse, foundation and bound of all virtue.
d) A strange possession , which, the moment you feel you have got it, you lose it.
e) Solid foundation of all virtues.
f) That low sweet root from which all heavenly virtues shoot.
g)Truly achieved when you have stopped thinking about yourself.
HUNCH a) Reverse of logic.
b) A riddle that eludes solution.
c)Conclusions based on facts stored on some unconscious level.
HUSBAND a) A person who thinks that he bosses the house, while, in fact, he houses the boss.
b) One who lays down the law to his wife and then accepts all her amendments.
HYPOCRISY Homage paid by vice to virtue.


1. A Foolish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but a WISE man tells her that she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL when her LIPS are CLOSED.
2. One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol consumption:
Before Marriage - Drink whenever you are SAD.
After Marriage - Drink whenever you are HAPPY
3. Three FASTEST means of Communication:
1. Tele-Phone
2. Tele-Vision
3. Tell-a-Woman
Need still FASTER - Tell her NOT to tell ANY ONE.
4. Love your friends not their sisters. Love your sisters not their friends.
5. Let us be generous like this: Four Ants are moving through a forest.
They see an ELEPHANT coming towards them.
Ant 1 says: we should KILL him..
Ant 2 says: No, Let us break his Leg alone.
Ant 3 says: No, we will just throw him away from our path.
Ant 4 says: No, we will LEAVE him because he is ALONE and we are FOUR.
6. If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing in your life?
Buy if you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing in your life!!!!!!
7. Question: When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE?
Answer: On their MARRIAGE.
8. When your LIFE is in DARKNESS, PRAY GOD and ask him to free you from darkness. Why Even after you pray, if U R still in Darkness - Please PAY the ELECTRICITY BILL
9. Government do NOT allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women, why?
Because as per Constitution, you can NOT PUNISH TWICE for the same Mistake.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


If there is one FACE:
I want to see each day throughout my life.
One SMILE that makes a difference to everything I do.
If there is - one TOUCH I long to feel
If there is - one VOICE I wait to hear
If there is - one JOY, one LOVE,
From which I never want to part with,
That someone in --
My World,
My Life,
My Heart - it is YOU
Loving you fills,
My HEART with joy!
My WORLD with wonder!
My LIFE with meaning!
And on this day I just want to say -
Thanks for being so special,
So wonderful, so easy To LOVE!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


The best way to stay young is to GROW UP!
Success is really the art of not giving up!
The beauty seen is partly in him who sees it.
Success is the tribute life pays to excellence.
The mind, like the parachute, works best when open!
The most effective waterpower in the world - TEARS?
Stubborn people follow the path of least assistance!
The city is not a concrete jungle - it is a human zoo?
Speak kind words and sure enough you will find an echo!
The best thing to do behind a person's back is to pat it!
The best gift is one that is tied with your heart's strings!