Friday, April 13, 2007


DOCTOR Professional with lot of inside information.
DORMANCY Brooding mother of discontent.
DOUBT Brother devil to despair.
Pioneer, if not the father, of invention.
DRAMA Life's distorted reflection in the mirror of art.
DREAM Imagination in real life.
Basis for solid progress.
DREAMS True interpreters of our inclinations.
DRUG A living pyre.
DRUNK One who takes certain liquids like a fish, but would be better off if he drank only what a fish drinks.
DUTY What is expected of others.
Way of fulfilling tasks. Majority of us mold the ways keeping in mind the reflections of the silly world, although their censors are not in our power and should not be our concern.
DUTIES Tasks we look forward to with distaste, perform with reluctance, but boast about them ever afterwards.
EARTH Frozen echo of the silent voice of God.
ECONOMY Buying a thing, which you do not need just because it is going cheap.
ECSTASY Afeeling you feel when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you've never felt before.
EDUCATION The process of driving a set of prejudices down your throat.
It is the apprenticeship of life.
The art of learning more than just what you are told.
That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.
ELECTRICIAN A man whose business is light.
ELOQUENCE Art of keeping other people away from voicing their opinions.
Vehement simplicity.

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