Wednesday, May 9, 2007


JEALOUSY Jaundice of the soul. The homage that inferiority pays to merit.
JOY An inner satisfaction which only serves to make us feel grief more keenly.
JUDGE He who seeing no guidance for human affairs other than his own limited foresight endeavours to play the God and decides what is right and wrong .
JUSTICE A thing known to be blind by the ancients, by ourselves admitted to be blind, will be acclaimed blind by the tongue of our descendants, but still will be craved for.
KINDNESS a) Its own mother and its own daughter because it is born out of kindness and gives birth to kindness.
b) Sun-shine in which virtue flourishes.
c) Golden chain that binds society.
KISS a) A noun, though often used as a conjunction; it is never declined-it is more common than proper, is used in the plural and agrees with all genders.
b) A peculiar proposition which is of no use to one yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing, the young man has to steal it and the old man has to buy it. The baby's right, the lover's privilege and the hypocrite's mask. To a young girl FAITH, married woman HOPE and old man CHARITY.
KNOWLEDGE a) The small part of our ignorance that we arrange and classify most assiduously.
b) Eye of desire.

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