Thursday, June 14, 2007


a) PRAISE Sweetest of all sounds.
b) A bitter pill. Only a few people can swallow it.
c) In relationship to oneself must be done daringly. Something will always stick
PRAYER A wish turned heavenward.
OM work.
PREACHER One who cannot do.
PREJUDICE a) A mist, which in our journey through the world, often dims the brightest and obscures the best of all the good and glorious objects that meet us on our way.
b) A device that enables you to form opinions without getting the facts.
PRIDE a) The only thing a women in love cannot keep.
b) A ridiculous encumbrance.
PRINCIPLE A passion for truth and right ?
PROCRASTINATION a) Thief of our self-respect.
b) Opportunity's natural assassin.
PROGRESS Exchange of one nuisance for another one .
PROMISE Resolve made to be broken.
PROPHETS Men whose forecasts, if right ,no one remembers and, if wrong, no one forgets.
PROSE Words in their best order.
PROVERB a) A short sentence based on long experience.
b) Creation of wise men repeated by fools.
Psychologist a) A person who observes us when we are looking at girls in the swimming pool.
b) A man who, when a beautiful girl enters the room, watches everyone else.
Psychiatrist is a man who pockets your money for dismantling your dreams
PUBLIC A spoilt child.
PUBLIC-OFFICE First refuge of the incompetent.
PUBLIC-OPINION A vulgar, impertinent, anonymous tyrant who deliberately makes life unpleasant for anyone who is not content to be an average man.
PUN Lowest form of humour when you don't think of it first.
PUNISHMENT Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand and foot for foot.
PURITY A noble perception which, like virginity, must be violated if life is to persist.

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