Friday, July 6, 2007


SMILE a) Channel of a future tear.
b) Sword of beauty.
c) A curve which can set a lot of things straight.
d) It costs the least and does the most.
SMILES Serious moments in life endure serenely.
SMOG The 'air' apparent.
SNOB You have delighted us long enough.
SNORE a) Thunder in bed-room.
b) Minor earthquake.
SNORT Your personal air-pump working full blast.
SNOW Frozen breath of ocean.
SOCIETY A joint-stock company in which the members for the better securing of the daily bread to every shareholder, agree to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater.
SOLITUDE Nurse of wisdom.
SORROWS a) They are like the thunder-clouds, in the distance they look black, over our heads scarcely grey.
b) Visitors who always come uninvited.
SOUND Child of silence.
SPEECH a) Index of the mind.
b) Hair-brained chatter, irresponsible frivolity.
c) A good one is like a lady's skirt, short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the substance.
STATISTICS a) They are like a bikini-bathing suit. What they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital.
b) They are like a mini-skirt. They cover up all the essentials but they give you ideas.
STOMACH A bowl-shaped cavity containing the organs of indigestion.
STORY A sweet dish that enhances contact between human beings.
STUPIDITY The greatest force in human nature that makes them act as they do.
STYLE Dress of thoughts.
SUCCESS a) Not committing the same blunder once.
b) Something you get when you load the camera of the mind with the film of intelligence, release the shutters of goodwill and press the button of diligence.
SUICIDE a) A crime which, if successfully committed, can invite no punishment.
b) Refuge from confessions.
c) A terminal solution, often for temporary problems.
SUPERSTITION a) Religion of futile minds.
b) A premature explanation that overstays its time.
SURGEON A man with real inside knowledge.
SUSPICION You're either in the loop or you're out of the loop. But more likely you don't know where the loop is or even if there is, indeed, a loop.
SYMPATHY The key that fits the lock of any heart.
SYNONYM A word you can use when you don't know how to spell the one you first thought of.

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