Saturday, February 17, 2007


A collection of my work on various topics like bacronyms, magic squares, etc.
Just travel with me, my way and enjoy my company.

Satire is humour that has lost its patience.

Nothing is said now that hath not been said before - I am not being modest, whatever will be put on this site must have been said quite often, if not in print certainly in family conversation, in groups, in circles.....
Note: some of the words and sometimes the language may look odd that will be because I would be reproducing ad verbatim things of the past era.
In this travel you will join me in Deft Definitions, Quotations, Poetry, Some funny/interesting items, Magic Squares and Cubes, and BACRONYMS. It is only Bacronyms which is a new item, my work, but more about it later. This is the first day so let us sing:


Listen to the exhortation of the Dawn-
Look to the DAY!
The DAY dawns and brings with it new vistas!
It is for us to explore and discover what we please?
Some of us will probably make hay while the sun shines,
While others would just let the opportunity slip away!
Some of us would grab the chances and achieve success,
But most of us will while away time in idle thoughts!
Our excuse - we are busy with our routine activities?
So – in time take time while time doth last,
For time is no time when time is past!!!


Most of you would be seeing this word for the first time, it is not a dictionary word. Well you must be familiar with Acronyms, in acronyms we normally pick the initial letters of the name of an institution, enterprise etc., and form a word, which may have no meaning by itself. I proceed the reverse way, I take a common dictionary word, using only the letters of the word form a phrase which yields the dictionary meaning of the word or its common usage. I follow two rules, I use all and only the letters of the word and I retain the sequential order of the letters of the word. Let me give you an example: take the word "BEST", by B -,I form By, by E - I form Every, by S - I form Standard and by T - I form Tops, to get the phrase - By every standard tops. Well I think it conveys the sense of the word "Best".
Here are some more:
What is EAR if not - Earliest Audio Receiver. And LAP isn't it - Luxurious Armchair, Pacifies.
While CAGE is - Captured Animals Guarded Enclosure.
What about CHILD is he not - Charming Hostage In Loving Domain.
And MAGIC certainly is - Mystery And Gimmickry In Collusion.
Now let us examine RAINBOW - Raised Arch, Inimitable Nature's Bouquet, Omnipotent Wonder.
Try DREAMS and you would find a perfect fit - Daringly Realistic Experiences Amidst Mystique Scenes.
And next ask someone with stomach upset and see what he has to say. STOMACH - Sensitive, Turbulent Organ, Metabolism Activity Conducted Here.
Well now let us invite OPTIMIST - Openly Picturises Things In Magnificent, Intricate Settings, Tastefully.
Let us not ignore PATIENCE - Perseverance And Tolerance In Extremely Nasty Circumstances Even.
Now HYPNOTISM - Helps You Project Notions, Orders, That Influence Subject's Mind.
I think I have given enough examples to prove my point. I have over 2500 Bacronyms will give you more later.

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