Friday, February 23, 2007


ABNORMAL - In matters of thought and conduct to be independent is to be abnormal, to be abnormal is to be detested; wherefore this lexicographer advises a striving towards a straighter resemblance to the average than hath to himself. Who so attaineth thereto shall have peace, the prospect of death and the hope of hell.
ABILITY - Poor man's wealth.
ABORTION - Love's labour lost.
ABSTINENCE - Surety of temperance.
ABSURDITY - A statement of belief, manifestly, inconsistent with one's, own, opinions.
ACCENT - The soul of a language; that which gives feeling, warmth and sense of truth to it.
ACQUAINTANCE - A person whom we know well enough to borrow from but not well enough to lend to; A degree of friendship called slight when it's object is poor or obscure and intimate when he is rich or famous.
ACTION - a) Best interpreter of a man's thoughts.
b) Parent of results.
c) Cure for grief.
ACUPUNCTURE - A jab well done.
ADMIRATION - a) Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.
b) A short-lived passion that immediately decays upon growing familiar with its objects.
ADOLESCENCE - a) Emotional see-sickness.
b )Age at which children start bringing up their parent's.
ADOPTION - A simple, cost effective, labour saving, emotionally satisfying path to parenthood.
ADULT - A person who has stopped growing at both ends and has started growing in the middle.
ADULTERER - One whose way is hedged with thorns, full of fears and jealousies, burning desires, and impatient waiting, tediousness of delays and sufferance of affronts and amazement of discovery.
ADVENTURER - One who practices the art of the impossible.
ADVERSITY - a) It has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.
b) Appropriate balance in which to weigh friend-ship.
ADVERTISING - a) Selling promises.
b) The science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
c) Ministers to the spiritual side of the business.
ADVICE - a) A debt which the old owe to the young.
b) Something which the older generation is fond of giving to console themselves for being no longer in a position to set examples.
c) The softer it falls, the deeper it sinks and the longer it dwells.
d) Too valuable a thing to be retained with oneself - pass it on!

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