Saturday, April 7, 2007


A5. Some thought provoking, even controversial, ideas - your comments specially welcome:
Action is the seed of a tree called Results - one has to work hard for its growth.
Adventure is the seed of a tree called Fun and needs good company to mature.
Ambition is the seed of a tree called Frustration, if unsupported by manure comprising of
intelligence, hard work and knowledge.
Challenge is the seed of a tree called Opportunity, it's flowers wither away very fast.
Co-incidence is the seed of a tree called Superstition, which seldom grows on rocky ground.
Contentment is the seed of a tree called Happiness, is hard to cultivate and needs timely and proper
Desire is the seed of a tree called Misery, which never fails to bear fruit.
Diet is the seed of a tree called Health which bears fruit with right hygienic conditions.
Discipline is the seed of a tree called Behaviour which is long lasting and has a wide spread.
Education is the seed of a tree called Knowledge, that nurtures on diligent learning.
Ego is the seed of a tree called Individualism and derives strength from pride and stubbornness.
Emotions are the seed of a tree called Tears, they have a tendency to flow like a flooded
Envy is the seed of a tree called Depression, easy to grow and expands like weeds.
Existence is the seed of a tree called Awareness and the debatable question is whether it is the
other way round.
Experience is the seed of a tree called Wisdom and fructifies if lessons are learnt in time and acted upon.
Faith (Religious) is the seed of a tree called Almighty, its branches cover the entire universe and are
supposed to govern, guide and oversee all our actions.
Failure is the seed of a tree called Sadness, nurtures on lack of patience.
Fear is the seed of a tree called Anxiety, hard to bear.
Flattery is the seed of a tree called Favours, which normally is expected to bear fruit out of
Grievance is the seed of a tree called Revenge and generally is harmful to all
Greed is the seed of a tree called Grumbling and thrives on generous dose of receptive ears.
Guilt is the seed of a tree called Remorse and is painful if one gets near it.
Grit is the seed of a tree called Strength and needs stimulants from time to time.
Ignorance is the seed of a tree called Bliss, it normally gives tasty fruits but sometimes they are
very bitter.
Instinct is the seed of a tree called Dharma, is universally similar in manifestation.
Intelligence is the seed of a tree called Success and only bears fruits if labour and luck work together.
Jealousy is the seed of a tree called Sarcasm, a perennial plant.
Legislation is the seed of a tree called Justice expected to serve in all seasons.
Luck is the seed of a tree called Fate and is governed by planetary configuration.
Melody is the seed of a tree called Music which flourishes in harmonic surroundings.
Nature is the seed of a tree called Beauty that flowers with grace and charm and needs an
occasional dose of praise.
Optimism is the seed of a tree called Hope which requires perseverance and hard labour
to bear fruits.
Pessimism is the seed of a tree called Depression which thrives on misery as soil.
Practice is the seed of a tree called Habit which is indeed very hard to uproot once it takes hold.
Religion is the seed of a tree called Places of Worship - known by various names, such as Temple,
Church, Mosque etc.
Sleep is the seed of a tree called Dream, its branches provide varied and sometimes eerie
Stress is the seed of a tree called Nervousness, difficult to get rid of once it takes root though
eventually one overcomes it.
Temptation is the seed of a tree called Sin, once it takes root, it is near impossible to uproot.
Traditions is the seed of a tree called Culture, it has a long life but time has a tendency to alter its
Truth is the seed of a tree called Honesty, Its fruits are generally very bitter.
Wisdom is the seed of a tree called Maturity which normally springs with age and lessons learnt
from guru called experience.
Yoga is the seed of a tree called Youthful Living, its branches pervade all walks of life.

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