Friday, March 2, 2007


AFFECTION - A spot in the geography of the mind.
AFFECTIONS - They are like lightning, you cannot tell where they will strike till they have fallen.
AFTERMATH - The next lesson after mathematics.
ALCOHOL - a) A food well in advance of medical thought.
b) A liquid good for preserving almost everything except secrets and etiquettes.
ALIMONY - a) The high cost of learning that you chose a wrong partner.
b) It is like paying for the auto after the wreck.
c) The high cost of Leaving.
AMBASSADOR Honest man sent to lie abroad.
AMBITION a) A leaping horse which may land you in the ditch.
b) It has but one reward for all; a little transient fame, a grave to rest in and a fading name.
c) The spur that makes men struggle with destiny. It is heaven's own incentive to make purpose great and achievement greater.
AMUSEMENT - Happiness of those who cannot think.
ANARCHIST - A baffled dictator.
ANATOMY - Something that everyone has but it looks better on girls.
Anger - It is rarely without reason but seldom with a good one.
ANIMALS = Agreeable friends who ask no questions and make no criticisms.
ANTIQUE - Fabulously priced junk.
ANTIQUITIES - Some remnants of history which casually escaped the shipwrecks of time.
ANXIETY - Loves greatest killer.
Apology - Politeness too late.
APOLOGISE a) To lay the foundation of a future offense.
b) Egotism wrong side out.
c) Super glue of life. It can just about repair everything.
ARCHAELOGIST - A specie of human beings who is most sought after husband if he is single. Every maiden is after him being convinced that the older she gets the more interested he will become in her.
ARCHITECT - One who drafts plan of your house and plans a draft of your money.
ARCHITECTURE - Frozen Music.
ARGUMENTS - Viewpoints contrary to ours which are always vulgar and yet convincing.
ARMY - A body of man assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats.
ARROGANCE - a) Outgrowth of prosperity.
b) A very debilitating and cankerous disease that digs into the vital parts.
ART - a) Wine of life.
b) Crystallization of emotion into thought.
ARTIST - A person whose career always begins tomorrow.
ASS - One who has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
ASTRONOMER - A man whose business is looking up.
ATHEIST - A man who has no invisible means of support.
ATTITUDE - The difference between the ground and the heights you achieve.
AUTHOR - A fool who, not content with having bored those who have lived with him, insists on boring future generations.
A - man whose business is all write.
AVERAGE - You are as close to the bottom as to the top.

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